I’ll be there!
Yes, I received my acceptance notice this morning and I am truly psyched. I’ll be able to spread the word of global climate change far beyond my circle of friends and business contacts.
But that is where I’ll need your help…
As part of my agreement with The Climate Project, I must present An Inconvenient Truth ten (10) times in the year following the training. The audiences can be just about anybody.
Schools, Churches, Chambers of Commerce, Scout Troops, Environmental groups, Football fans – you name it and I’ll present.
My request: Start thinking about having me come in. This presentation is free and, in most cases, I won’t need anything except a blank wall for the projection and an LCD Projector (and in many cases, I’ll be able to borrow an LCD projector so you won’t even need that.)
I’ll be able to start presenting in the Second week of January… When and Where would you like me to speak?
Thanks for your support,
Regarding my speaking credentials: For the past 11 years, I owned a management training company (Oak Associates, Inc.). In that business, I delivered thousands of hours of management training to professionals in Fortune 1000 companies nation-wide (perhaps one of you were a student of mine?). I presented to front-line project managers all the way up to corporate executives.
I just sold my portion of Oak to start up a new business. However, I still teach for Oak from time to time.
good for you, Mark. Actually putting yourself in front of this.
Nice job.
What about something for BMG? I hear there is some guy with a theater we have some relationship with….oh, Tingle, I think??
shouldn’t it be in the upper right? I got nothing….??
and my recommend button shows up on all the other diaries but I suspect It won’t show up on this diary because I cannot recommend my own – makes sense. WHy it’s not showing up on your screen is a mystery to me…
sometimes if you edit a diary after you save it, or if it’s a full-moon on sunday… anyway, soapblox is known to drop a few recommend boxes here and there.
During the run up to the primary there were some supporters of certain candidates who were certain that the fix was in and no competing user posts could be recommended. Very silly.
Back on topic: good on you for doing this. I would love to see your presentation.
Never thought about that.
David? Charley?
We’ll talk.
Mark, if we were to do this, what’s the super-duper added value of you doing it instead of us just watching Al Gore on a screen? With your background, I’m sure you’ve got something. đŸ™‚
but if you had an evening sponsored by BMG, it might bring in people who didn’t see the DVD. For example, I tried to get my Dad to watch on Thanksgiving but he didn’t fall for it….
However, if we could make an evening of it, it may work!
it would be interesting to have a discussion forum after the showing. This along with dessert would be nifty.
Learning how to stop global warming and something chocolatey. There is no bad there.
I can facilitate a discussion – and certainly do a Q+A…
I’m also better looking than Al Gore đŸ™‚ (and have a small ego)
Even in my house, it’s hard to get my family to watch the DVD – my kids think it’s “Boring” and my wife is too busy. (I’m crushed)
A night out with Chocolate would get my wife in a second… The teenagers I’ll have to hit at school – where they are requred to sit and listen đŸ˜‰ (I’m going to be sneaking my way into Hudson High via a science teacher friend…)
I took my son to see it this summer, and he got quite a lot out of it (he’s 9). He loves science, so even though some of it was a little over his head, he was willing to hang with it without complaint. He ended up writing a letter to the local paper in response to a “global warming denier” who had written a lengthy piece the week before. Have to say I was pretty proud of that.
It was reported today in the Washington Post that nationwide members of the National Science Teachers Association are turning down free copies of the video because of ‘political’ implications – like the money Exxon Mobil gives to them might be endangered!