You are destroying yourselves. You have lost significant amount of credibility with many legit msm and politico types. You probably don’t understand why. Step back and take a look. But I suggest that any semi-experienced semi-intelligent person who has followed this saga will conclude
“BMG needs to grow-up”
Your myopia will lead you off the cliff
(feel free to recommend this post)
Please share widely!
with the please recommend my story so I can be on the top of the list. You come across like a used car salesman.
BTW – your posts are usually entertaining enough to merit a recommendation without your pleading.
I only do it on posts where i am busting their balls. The request is a friendly reminder when I am rubbing it in.
(man, James Joyce never had to explain anything)
James Joyce was a friend of mine. Sir, you are no James Joyce.
people could understand Joyce.
post on a site that has already peak?
I think of this site an internet tool that allows me to keep and catalogue a diary.
In other words, it
Works for Me
I have reposted my comment from below, which EBIII says he very much enjoyed:
Your comments, in particular EBIII, almost never fail to elicit a laugh from me. You’re like own own resident Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Never change.
I have also cast my vote for “Yes,” we have peaked. Now about that PAC Ernie suggested …
Mostly, because they managed to set a journalist straight on a story that a bunch of mushrooms could have reported correctly.
correct image:
You are right EB3 for saying Bob, David, Charlie have dramatically changed their collective persona and that of the site. However, you are an idiot for saying BMG has peaked, and I doubt you really think it.
BMG is kind of like James Bond. It started out as a few little-known novels; not many people had read them, but those who had, thought they were the best spy stories ever, hands down. Dark. Deep. Stirring. Action-packed. The perfect blend of visceral violence and smooth parlor talk, shaken not stirred. The kind of stories that should be more famous than they are.
Then, shit happens…the durned things do get famous. But what comes out the “famous” machine isn’t what went in. Now it’s
Dark. Deep. Stirring.Action-packed! (Really hot chicks)Shaken, not stirred, repeat five thousand times.
BMG is past its days of James Bond the fantastic indie novel, but it is only beginning its days of James Bond the Hollywood blowout.
In other words, selling 100 cars a year isn’t the same as selling 1M cars a year. Capish?
Oh, would that it were true.
I do wear a tux for work, you know…
Because it’s kind of funny =p
Seeing as how one of the foudners of BMG was invited to Deval’s transition team and they’re still invited to MSM shows, etc., it doesn’t seem like they’ve ‘peaked’ to me.
Now, there are definitely mistakes and poorer quality posts, etc. But that’s to be expected from anyone. The point is that the community is still here and growing.
From illness or fatigue. In which case, all we need is a drink and a good night’s sleep. Thank heavens for Saturday night and the following Sunday of rest.
You attack just about everyone. How do you expect people to take your opinions seriously when you are prone to acting like a child, contributing little more than prattle. Even your own poll shows people here love BMG. Ernie, you should COME ON DOWN and face reality. A quick scan of the comments you’ve posted that are saved on your personal page proves what type of man you are.