DNA expert Dr. Theodore Kessis of Applied DNA Resources in Columbus, Ohio talked about the Ben LaGuer case on Boston radio this morning. He was a guest on the program hosted by Minister Don Muhammad, who also happens to have been on the Patrick/Murray transition working group for Public Safety and Security. Kessis previously stated in a letter to Rep. Ellen Story regarding the LaGuer case:
“many instances of DNA testing errors have led to the false conviction of innocent individuals. It is my opinion that we have encountered such a case here.”
He was very eloquent on the radio this morning in explaining procedural and scientific errors that led to the misleading 2002 DNA result. (NOTE TO MSM: Dr. Kessis is available for more interviews.)
Don Mohammad also made a plea for anyone who can possibly attend LaGuer’s SJC hearing on Thursday morning a 9 to do so. Here is a map to help you find it. If you happen to be going to the inauguration at the State House at noon, it will just be a matter of coming to town a couple of hours earlier. The court is only a block away. It is time prosecutor Sandra Hautanen got the message that it isn’t okay to go into court and “misstate the factual record,” as James C. Rehnquist described the commonwealth’s tactics in the lawyerly eloquence contained in his Reply Brief.
By the way, Dr. Kessis is often called upon to comment on controversial DNA cases. His brief bio is as follows:
Ted Kessis has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Virology from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, where also taught for several years. A little more than 10 years ago he started his own consulting company, specializing in reviewing DNA testing performed in criminal matters. He has handled 100’s of cases across the country and often testifies in state and federal courts.
For those who can’t make it on Thursday, SJC oral arguments are Web cast in real time by Suffolk University Law School.