Once again I heard about a “story” in the Boston Globe that points out the hypocracy of Mitt Romney and his stance against illegal immigrants while he “hired” them to mow his lawn.
What I find really interesting is the deliberate falsification of American “news” by both left and right.
These three little links explain why.
In light of this the entire “issue” of “illegal” immigration we can now see as a manufactured event. With more time and research it might be plausible to trace the planning stages all the way back to the creation of NAFTA. Profit of CEOs and campaign bucks for the politicians they bought.
Really does media think we are all stupid?
Now do I have to start sending these links to .mil sites or what?
Our Northern border is virtually unpoliced, and to date, all terrorists have entered this country from Canada. We are FINALLY beginning to require a passport SIX YEARS after 9/11.
What is wrong with THIS picture?
I don’t buy into the “terra” threat. The entire thing is a product of our CIA.
Thing two. Whatever the “threat” I don’t support the Nazification of America. Hence I neither want nor will support Homeboy Security and any of their Orwellian gadgetry.
Don’t worry about us, eh. These are just hockey sticks for when we’re done with our backbacon, eh.