Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) has been hospitalized with “stroke-like symptoms” after being stricken in his office earlier today. It has not escaped notice that, should Sen. Johnson not be able to finish his term (which ends in 2008), the Republican Governor of South Dakota could name his replacement. Which could mean a whole new ballgame in the Senate.
Our best wishes to Sen. Johnson for a speedy recovery.
HT: Kim.
UPDATE: johnk notes in the comments that MSNBC is reporting that Sen. Johnson did not suffer a stroke or a heart attack. Good news. He will remain hospitalized overnight.
Please share widely!
PS: there goes the Senate…
recovers fully. A stroke can mean a lot of different things, so I’m not jumping to conclusions about his ability to fulfill his term. Obviously he had access to swift medical care since it happened while he was in his office.
It’s kind of weird that with all of the old codgers shuffling around the Capitol, Johnson (age 60?) would suffer a stroke, but I suppose it can happen to anyone.
There will be time for gnashing of teeth, but for right now I just hope the guy is okay.
And I would fully expect the Republicans to cry crisis immediately, ignoring that Strom Thurmond was wheeled around drooling on himself for the last 4 or so years of his term.
Maybe I’ve just been unduly influenced by Casino Royale… and that nasty little business seemingly coming from Mr. Putin’s office.
From MSNBC. Hopefully he’s doing well.
Wellstone’s Plane Crashes
for his sake first and foremost. And for the sake of the country too.
Wouldn’t it be great if every single American had same guaranteed comprehensive health insurance coverage, and the same peace-of-mind health care security, that Senator Johnson and all members of Congress enjoy?
and will add to your wouldn’t it be great musings…wouldn;t it be great if every American had the same access to their ill spouse, and was able to participate in decisions over their care, that all Congressional spouses enjoy?
and am working for that human right, too.
according to the discussion here, with the (GOP) governor naming a replacement who would serve for less than 90 days until the special election is held. One could imagine the Senate changing hands twice, to GOP with the replacement and back to Democratic should a Democrat (Rep. Herseth?) win the special election.
Fortunately, this so far seems to be academic.
If it’s not a stroke, that’s what it would seem to be.
He’s been a solid Senator for the Dakotas for a long time, I hope he gets well.