OpenSociety nicely sums up Brian McGrory’s column on Deval today.
McGrory uses the word “hubris”. I accused David of it the day after the election. Of course I was half kidding. (I stress the word half)
I really did not expect this to be so much fun to watch so soon.
What the hell is Deval, Inc. thinking.? And the Tim Murray thing at Tom O’Neil’s office. (You know it is all about Tom) How the hell did that get by them?
These transition groups were a great idea. Why? Because Deval learning an important lesson from it.
Your first move should not be making temporary somebodys out of a lot of nobodys. Especially when you haven’t taken care of the hundreds of self-important, self-proclaimed somebodys first. How many reps and senators are calling Deval Inc. bitching that they haven’t been made king of their world yet? (hint- lots) and this transition thing is a slap in the face.
Wait until the budget comes out. Things are a little tougher for Deval Inc. now that they are dealing with reality. The numbers are scary and Deval Inc. is afraid. (I hope Lowell gets some funding for the arts community) And they can’t hide from it.
But they can procrastinate.
Hence the five day bender.
Two days to recuperate.
Then its the real world for Deval, Inc.
Nice of you to throw Lynne a bone too!