Naive? Or cuter than a shit-shit-house-rat?
Telling newspaper editors they ‘don’t get it’ because they had the temerity to query the details of Deval’s lollipop fields and dancing fairies. (no gay pun intended. Honest – it just sounds good))
Hmmm. What’s this guy have up his sleeve? Or does he? We’ll I assume the newspaper editors will sit back and wait for Deval to give enough rope to hang himself. Patience is a virtue.
If all the facts were the same except Danny Devito drove a car and got arrested in Massachusetts and it was his first offense – (first arrest in his life for anything) he would be an alcoholic in denial. And treated as such. During mandatory treatment for alcoholism he better admit he has an alcohol problem or else.
Jason Wolf will build a nice local talk radio station at WRKO by letting local writers and personalities with CREDIBILITY build their niche with listeners. Steve Bailey and Alex Beam shows Jason is thinking like a true maestro.
How about Tom Finneran and Mike Adams together?
The Bruins are doing a nice job of teasing me this season.