When I was a kid I visited my cousins in the suburbs. I remember playing street hockey on a cul-de-sac. (didn’t have to move once for a car. Amazing) One of the kids was in a cast and not really playing. Another kid told me this kid was a hockey phenom who will be drafted. Then other kids picked up on it and told me the same thing with embellishments. The kid in the cast told me of Junior A scouts coming to see him play.
Evidently, this kid was very bad on the ice. And it was an off-hand sarcastic remark that caused me to inquire “why, is he good?” I set myself up as everyone had a good inside joke telling me how good this kid was.
Oh, by the way, did I mention there was another kid in the neighborhood that I heard of that was a real hockey phenom and I thought the kid in the cast might have been him)
Some time later I asked my cousin if the guy ever made Junior A. Well that started a string of phone calls from my cousin to every friend he had telling them of my question.
John Carroll, apologize for nothing.
Oh, there is more to my story. One of kids, who was in on the joke, was outraged. I mean outraged! Talk about a hissy fit. I didn’t get the joke and as result I repeated it as fact. He took this personally. What an ego. He attacked me personally because I should have verified that fact.
John Carroll, apologize for nothing
Then my boss (parents) apologized for me, saying I committed a boo boo by believing what I was told.
I should have been aware of the details of the little things going on in this little neighborhood so I would be aware of what is truth and what is made-up.
John Carroll, apologize for nothing.
Recently I was on a schedule that had me in the car between 12:00 and 1:00 pm. Listened to Eagan and Braude for more than 2 minutes for the first time.
By far the best local radio talk show host is Margery Eagan. Too bad they can’t give her more air time and a cast of characters she can work with. Braude ruins an otherwise good radio experience. Which means he ruins most of the hour. It is at it’s best when Margery is allowed drift off to other topics. And her opinions and politics are real. Meaning she carries no agenda.
Pat Purcerll is not doing his kids any favors by promoting them and publicizing the promotions.
It doesn’t take Jack Welch to see that this is not a good time for that. Especially for a bullshit position.
It is so tough to see oneself as others do. And forcing this on your kids is just setting them up for failure. In fact, the grudges Herald staffers and former staffers have against you now carries on to your off-spring. You put them in play Pat.
There are other ways to take care of the kiddos.
It appears that Barack maybe the only person at his rallies who isn’t buying into this. I might actually consider him. There could be something there
Perhaps he could be a good candidate and a good president. Will he haveto keep the base of evangelicals happy? Ooops. I mean far lefties. (same thing)
… or is there an inside joke here that I’m not getting?
Good God. The man has no end of demerits.