I will be liveblogging from the meeting in Millbury this evening. My blogs will be in the comments because it’s easier then editing this post.
6:55 PM Lynne and myself, along with designermama (Barb) rolled up to the high school in Milbury about 10 minutes ago. Lynne spoke with David as we were driving in and poor David is stuck in traffic – in CT. Bummer.
Please share widely!
susan-m says
Right now folks are coming in and getting settled. So far about 26 people.
I spoke briefly with Nancy Stolberg (Field Director for DLP campaign) and I asked her if she thought 20 or so months ago we’d be here. With a very grateful smile said: “Yes.”
Friendly faces from BMG: lightiris, Jim McGovern for President.
Barb is holding court in the front row. She is a force to be reckoned with.
lynne says
lynne says
susan-m says
Opening comments by Ms. Snowden. She’s going over the procedure for speaking. This meeting is being recorded, and she reminded folks that you can submit comments by the transition website.
Civic Engagement members present: Bishop Walter Weekes, Nancy Stolberg, Chair Gail Snowden, Maureen Curley Ron Bell and a guy whose name tag is out of my range of vision.
Principles guiding the working group:
Taking grassroots structure of the campaign and transferring into a way of governing.
Plans for increasing civic engagement
Plan to rebuild communities thoroughout the state.
lynne says
lynne says
susan-m says
Statement by student intern at Millbury High School speaking about what they are doing at Millbury HS to learn more about getting involved in their community and how they are mentoring lower grades. They also learn leadership skills like to run a meeting. Speaker wants committee to focus on the importance of service learning.
lynne says
talking about libraries as centers of civic engagement.
susan-m says
Role of Public Library. Centers of civic engagement. Talked about the importance of using a library as a community resource and the events they hold, such as literacy training, meeting rooms.
(more people have filtered in)
susan-m says
Some but by all means not all. Geographical problems sometimes prevent signals. But the goal is to make all libraries internet capable.
susan-m says
two dudes switched (the nerve!) đŸ˜›
susan-m says
Pleased with the diversity of the group present and talked about the importance of getting all voices heard.
Libraries have mulitiple uses. Historical documents, other research, and neutral, non partisan information.
Q: How is library used for civic engagement? A: is already a hub of non-partisan source of information.
Discusion on library as technology hub. For vid conferences, etc.
susan-m says
Topic: Young politicians club. (lightiris has blogged on this a bunch, I’ll hook up links later)
Importance of getting students involved early, so they will stay involved.
Civics classes aren’t enough. Getting involved is key.
Changing culture of schools thorugh partnership with First Amendment Schools. Using democratic princples in real life situations.
susan-m says
Service learning program extends classroom learning to the community with real-world experience for lifelong civic engagement.
Getting kids started young and keep them busy.
Research shows that service learning works and give kids a lifelong foundation of civic responsiblity.
Report available online: (no site URL given)
Funds have decreased for these types of projects and should be restored.
Important to build policy report. Using the bully pulpit to encourage service.
Building a taskforce to look into increasing service programs working with other allies, such as non-profits.
Increasing resources and funding.
Professional development. Work with teachers to increase use of service programs.
Look at ways to collect data to make schools accountable.
Q: program to look at as role model?
A: Hudson schools First Amendment School project.
susan-m says
Speaker is delegate on congressional congress on civic education (?)
Speaker is glad to see such optimism and how the Patrick/Murray admin. is so willing to reach out and get going
Speaker teaches the We the People program here at the high school. Talks about how engaged the students are and how they go on to stay involved.
susan-m says
Community College and why they want to partner with the Patrick/Murray adminstration to increase civic engagement among their students.
Community colleges are a neutral, safe place to explore politics, and other civic engagement opportunities.
susan-m says
Talked about how difficult it was as a volunteer to get parents and other involved in campaign without help from local dem orgs.
Her experience is local Town committee was not involved. New admin needs to hold dem town commitees accountable. Keep Deval out in the communities and involved. Town committee need to get involved and stay involved.
(I NEED to talk to her after this meeting)
susan-m says
Barb has been involved in activism for more than 40 years. Barb feels that the disabled community needs to be more involved and she is working as a legislative volunteer to see that both sides work together.
Disabled voting is very low because of accessibilty issues. She wants to work with the AAPD to increase awareness and accessibility to get more disabled citizens involved and vote.
Barb talked about her own story about trying to get disabled issues heard.
Technology can be helpful. Asks that the adminstration reach out to underserved communities.
susan-m says
Talked about his work with the Leadership Academy community service project at school. How it made them feel more as a part of the community and how they use what they learned in their daily lives.
(seating area is now quite full – more than 50 people in audience now)
susan-m says
Patrick campaign coordinator from Longmeadow. Talked about how effective conference calls with Deval was during the campaign and how it would be very helpful to have these types of calls continue, not just with Governor Patrick, but other elected officials as well.
Ms. Snowden indicated that there is a “speakers bureau” idea in the works and the conference call idea is being considered.
susan-m says
Environmental organization teaching organic farming and leadership skills. The students are in the program for many years and they eventually teach the classes themselves. The student farmers grow food for local food banks and other orgs.
(this is such a great idea, I need to learn more about this)
charley-on-the-mta says
Was it these guys?
We have a share at their farm in Lincoln. Beautiful place, the kids all seem to have fun, amazing food.
margot says
a project of the Regional Environmental Council (REC) in Worcester. The Food Project, however, was the inspiration and model for our project. Look here to see it for yourself. Be sure to check out the photo gallery. I hadn’t really prepared to speak and I foolishly neglected to say what the organization was.
susan-m says
Great kids, but I can’t hear them. Sorry.
They are talking more about the service groups they have at school. They learn how to take an idea and plan it out, and execute.
(Lynne is blogging at Left in Lowell)
lynne says
I am really impressed w/ the quality of the speakers – from the students on up to the seasoned activists and civic leaders. People are really taking this seriously and are prepared.
Having had so little time to schedule these meetings and get ppl to come, these people are keen to be here speaking for their various groups and programs and ideas.
I’d say there is about 40-50 people here.
susan-m says
A very proud Millbury HS parent is talking about their service program.
Millbury is a great looking school. Everything looks brand new. The library is wonderful – the wi-fi is awesome. đŸ™‚
It would be nice if all the schools in the commonwealth were as well set up.
susan-m says
N2N grassroots organization that targets underserved communities. Ms. Ramirez translated comments from a woman who is active with N2N.
N2N interview candidates. N2N endorsed Deval Patrick and worked very hard for the campaign (they sure did – they did a great job in the Fitchburg area)
N2N does not just interview candidates – they hold them accountable (laughs and applause) N2N would like to see more community meetings with people from the adminstration. Use the community tools for policy advocacy. Phone banks into underserved communities to get people more involved, and to inform them about issues and how to help.
Importance to work hard to break barriers. N2N will stay involved.
susan-m says
Talked about not limiting outreach, but to reach out to underserved groups, elderly, disabled.
Basically this guy just agreed with everything that the previous speakers said.
susan-m says
resplendent in brown wool jacket, no tie (how rakish!) and getting right to work. đŸ™‚
lynne says
…that David won’t see this ’til he gets home!
susan-m says
He does look rakish. đŸ™‚
kbusch says
not the Rake back in 2003.
david says
susan-m says
Promoting civic engagement. Was sitting in the K-12 meeting that apparently had fewer folks attending. Talked further about importance of accountability and following up with students after they complete service programs.
Studies have showed that academic performance is improved with these programs.
DoE needs to have a mandate to make these programs a reality.
susan-m says
Asks “how many have voted” “how many have volunteered before” “how many have been to public meeting to give comments”
Many of the folks raised their hands. Mr Green points out that this is the choir that is at this meeting.
The challenge is to get people involved who have not been involved before.
Shared a story from election day about a first time voter in Chelsea. Person was there and happy to vote, but had not registered. Person was sent home.
How can we do this different? Same day registration. (you knew that was coming – crowd laughs)
7 states that have same day reg are doing fine. It works. Red states. Blue states. Purple states. 3 to 12 % increase in people voting. Not bad. Presidential year is higher. Once people get into vote, they are more likely to continue to vote – and more likely to get involved in their communities.
Who benefits? Young people. New residents. People are more mobile these days so it would be very helpful.
This doesn’t cost a lot to implement.
afertig says
I wasn’t there, but this is definitely something I’ve thought a lot about. Who are the people attending these meetings? The one who are already checked back in to the system – whether through the campaign or otherwise – or those who never checked out.
I’d say everybody who’s going to another civic engagement meeting oughtta be asked to bring a person they know who specifically aren’t interested in politics. I’ve got a lot of friends I couldn’t persuade into phonebanking or canvassing for a politician – but maybe I can persuade them to at least attend one meeting?
dancroak says
Very much agreed, but don’t limit it to the civic engagement meetings.
I was at the Budget & Finance meeting on Monday night at Holy Cross in Worcester. There were about 20 people there, and it seemed like most those who “never checked out.” Most of the audience time was used by the CFO from the city of Worcester, a member of the Worcester City Council, the CEO and chairman of a regional retirement plan, and a state representative.
Having said that, I think the “insiders” made more valuable contributions to the discussion than the “outsiders.”
susan-m says
Using the internet to reach out and engage people in the campaign. (Pam’s daughter is very excited that her mom is speaking and I’m having trouble hearing everything)
Massachusetts is far behind on using the internet to make government more accessible.
CC has started a project with cities and towns to make local government more accessible. (hell, yeah!)
susan-m says
Talked having more meetings with the adminstration once in office and making those meetings open and accessible to the public.
susan-m says
Which is a good thing. They are understandably proud of their school and their service projects.
I hope that the programs that Millbury HS have, can be duplicated in other schools.
Good stuff.
susan-m says
Chair thanks everyone for offering their testimony. Q: from audience. Will summary be availble online? A: Sadly, no. Just too much going in on too little time.
Much milling about. Everyone is meeting and greeting.
Overall, this meeting went very well, I thought. There is a real need for more of these meetings, and to get more people involved.
I don’t envy the Chairs tasks – imagine distilling all of these thoughts.
Signing off for now – thank you, goodnight!
mem-from-somerville says
It was almost like being there…totally got the drift….
Thank you.
designermama82 says
“The pace was pretty fast, the microphone system was ….well, like I said, “I’ve never met a microphone I didn’t like, but tonight came pretty darn close……one of the things to work on. Hearing the speakers from the far end of the room, and the committee had NO microphones at all. We didn’t violate the ADA tonight, but we mangled the heck out of the rules!!!!!!
Geeez, do you guys need to engage people like me, to be really inclusive…I’ll teach you all the tricks & pitfalls……
Ummm David, that means I’m volunteering yet again……please get them to hear me, pleeeeese! Won’t cost the taxpayers a blessed dime, and I come with a guarantee to ward off the DOJ.
But seriously (I really, really am trying to be), had an awesome time tonight, putting faces to names and revisiting with folks I’d not seen face to face in quite some time.
Again, Sue and Lynne, love the tag team, leapfrog approach to blogging…..thank you for offering to bring me…..you’ve forwarded my cause without even knowing it.
Time to get to bed….yeah right!!!!!!!
Now if I just figure out how to get my bed next to the computer?(Don’t have laptop or wireless! (So it’s easier to do this from REM sleep ).
Nighty nite, all,
jane-a says
Seconding the kudos– great for those of us that weren’t there yesterday– looking forward to the meeting tonight.
gary says
Here’s a great idea