Amicus posted it here on BMG before anyone else had it anywhere that I know of — good sources there, pal! Bernard Cohen, currently directing the Federal Transit Administration’s efforts to rebuild transportation facilities in lower Manhattan that were damaged in the Sept. 11 attacks, will be the state’s new Secretary of Transportation.
Very, very good call to go outside of Big Dig land for this job, IMHO. Beyond that, I know nothing about Mr. Cohen. Anyone?
Please share widely!
In a statement released this evening, Mr. Cohen might have said: “While it’s true that I once worked in maintstream media, I have no comment on the David/Charley versus Kennedy/Bernstein blogger payola cage match on BMG.”
You keep walkin’, Cohen. Keep lookin’ straight ahead.
Mr. Cohen is a mystery to me, but the Globe article and Google list his work experience as including stints at the MBTA, New York’s MTA, and Philadelphia’s SEPTA, before his current position for Federal Transit. I hope that means Cohen is an advocate of light, heavy, and commuter rail, as well as smart growth and walkable, livable communities. If so, he is a smart pick.
Hopefully you’re right.
Seems like he’s got the qualifications (more than any other since Fred Salvucci). The real test is whether he gets to clean house at 10 Park Plaza and restores vision throughout all transportation agencies – especially at MassHighway.