Just a reminder that the Civic Engagement working group’s first public meeting is tonight (Tuesday), at 7 pm, at Millbury High School, 12 Martin St., Millbury. Maps and directions are available here.
I may arrive a few minutes late, but several other working group members will be there, and I’ll get there as soon as I can. Hope to see you there!
Please share widely!
do have informal goals on what you hope to see in terms of attendance for these meetings?
also, would love your “rough” estimate over the course of these meetings of how many DP volunteers attend versus non.
Unfortunately the Local press here ,didn’t even give it a blip.
But they will be there. And we’ll be on tomorrow…at which time there will have seen one more meeting of a working group here tomorrow……Econ. Development @ 10am.
So the non connected/blogger/volunteers that are connected…probably won’t get there…GOT TO CHANGE THAT!