I re-read Tom’s post today and I was thinking how could I have missed this gem. First, kudos to Mitt, we now have some common ground. We both voted for Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic Presidential Primary. Now I know you’re thinking, whoa there, Democratic Primary?! You must be mistaken. Mitt Romney surely would have casted a Republican ballot as George H. W. Bush was running for re-election (or at least maybe Alan Keyes, David Duke, anyone?)
From the Washington Post (emphasis mine)
When he challenged Kennedy, Romney was a young businessman with no firm ideological identity, the latest in a line of moderate Massachusetts Republicans that included former governor Francis W. Sargent and then-Gov. William F. Weld. Then 47, he had been a registered independent until 1993 and had voted for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the 1992 presidential primary.
I wonder how this plays to the base?
Is that he didn’t vote for Clinton.
The way Romney was thinking back then, being the “pro-choice, pro-gay” kinda guy that he was at that time, he may indeed have voted for Clinton…who knows?
is what he is thinking now and what he did as governor.
talk about a record of non-accomplishment. He was more focused on keeping his hair neat for photo opportunities than doing anything constructive to benefit the people of Massachusetts.
Then there are those 700 million in “fees”.
Great job Mitt!!!
Those fees? They were never rescinded. So those taxes still exist and we still pay them every year. It was not one of those one shot deals to help pay for a deficit. It’s additional taxes we pay every year. He never even tried to remove any of the taxes he raised while governor.
That’s what you are talking about here.
We can have the Deval conversation in four years if you like.
…That’s really all that Republicans and other Mighty Righties ever seem to do.
I thought the BMG pet Pubbies were a little more reality-based than the wild-eyed wingnuts who post on other blogs. I guess not, since they engage in the same ‘blame the Dems before they take office’ line of argument that I watch on Hardball. Romney’s failures are now Deval’s fault, just like Iraq is the Dems’ albatross. The Republicans insist that everyone must take personal responsibility, but not them. This current crop are the biggest babies and finger-pointers in the history of the Republican party, and it looks like the wingnut whiners on BMG are following suit.
…Bart Simpson’s constant plea “don’t blame me, I didn’t do it.” And that’s one reason why I gave up on the Republican party decades ago.
Under Romney property taxes were raised by an average of 34%. Does anyone know where we could find our annual property taxes paid in MA? We can add the 700 million to each property tax increase year by year to actually view Romney’s record.
That’s right, kids. It was your local selectmen, based on recomendations of your local FinCom, and voted on by your local citizenry.
Pathetic, really, that some continue to insist that the Governor is to blame for the inability of some locals to keep their fiscal houses in order.
Romney started the process of cutting money to town a few weeks after he got elected. Didn’t he cut local aid in the FY2003 budget, then started slashing away in his first full budget? No? Did you live here? Do you have a clue what has been going on in this state?
You know that right. Just checking.
I just wrote Mitt’s eulogy. LOL
This is just too funny. Seriously. I’m getting some hard chuckles out of this… lol
There’s a part of me reveling in the fact that Romney’s political expediency is coming back to stalk haunt him, but there’s another part of me loving the idea of Romney as the Repub nominee in ’08….. Oh, the anguish…pass the popcorn please.
Republican version of John Kerry. Vengeance is a bitch.
Let’s hope he pulls off a miracle and wins the Repug nom so we can crush him.
…about how this will play to the base –
There was another charismatic GOP President, great presence, who had actually been a registered Democrat, and had voted for many Dems. Romny, as an Independent voted for the better person – and I have no difficulty in saying that Tsongas was the last actual Senator to REPRESENT Massachusetts, instead of personal ambitions and agendas.
Oh, that former Dem President was Ronald Reagan.
This may not be the ‘scandal’ you hope for, kiddos.
But nope, that’s not going to do it for the right wing nutjobs. Especially since he couldn’t stand to be in the same party a Reagan while he was president.