Save Progressive Radio in Boston
Here is a new yahoo group so we can start to organize:
here’s the email connected to the site:
to subscribe:
Please send this to everyone you know who would be interested and post it on whatever blogs, etc you can. Let’s get something going!
Please share widely!
Just FYI.
I am highly disappointed in this…I listen to 1200/1430 all the time.….
I got so used to listening in the morning and in the car and then streaming at work. I’m very disappointed. I think having outlets like Air America is hugely important for Democrats and really can’t be overemphasized.
I hope another station picks up their schedule or at least some of the shows.
that they can sell ads. Period.
to get listeners so they are be able to sell ads.
They did not. Too many people never even knew they existed.
Clear Channel never promoted Progressive Talk. I had a hard time receiving a signal in Cambridge after dark-a whopping 5 miles from the transmitter. If they had put some money behind promotion, increased the signal strength, and put their strongest talents on opposite the likes of Severin and Carr, they would have attracted listeners. It seems that poor management doomed Boston’s Progressive Talk.
I guess it’s here already. I was listening to Stephanie’s stand-in sign off, there was no news and there was some static then the Spanish voices came on and I heard “rumba” in there. Were they supposed to start on the 22nd? If so, they jumped the gun! Grrr…
big time. I listened to AAR even before it came here via the crappy stream— it’s better now. I listened in the morning, whenever I was home in the day time. Not so much at night (Olbermann, etc) but often late at night. At work (on the Cape) I have to stream and I was streaming the Framingham signal rather than AAR NY because I still got local weather and traffic, etc.
This is a real missed opportunity in so many ways.
Lynne and David are both right. They didn’t advertise- some of my most progressive friends didn’t know they existed- they didn’t get the kind of advertisers that would make sense for this demographic. The ads were almost all companies of dubious nature or public service announcements. Did they really have anyone selling ads locally and going out looking for advertisers? It seemed that they just piggybacked on the Clear Channel scam advertisers.
DAMN, now I have to look into getting XM again. I tried 2 years ago and Circuit CIty after 5 attempts never could install it right so I took it back.
WE NEED THIS VOICE in the Boston area. Even though we are branded as being a liberal state, it is certainly part myth.
grumble, grumble, grumble . . . .
…streaming audio over the internet and Sirius radio.
BTW, it’s fairly clear that Clear Channel, the company that owns the two stations in the Boston area, set them up to fail. They never promoted them, obviously–given the nature of the advertising–did little marketing with potential advertisers, and never did–as they had promised–seek to get their broadcasting power increased. Now that they are going Spanish, they will be increasing the power of at least the Framingham station from 10KW to 50KW (the maximum AM power) within a few months.
Clear Channel is controlled by a right wing family, so this development isn’t really a surprise.
…we found Al Franken to be a snore-fest. They should have put Thom Hartmann on instead (he’s on AAR’s streaming service at the same time). Franken was way overpaid (one of the problems that AAR had was that there were too many pigs-at-the-trough there) for his value to AAR.
I work at home and for the last 2 years Air America Radio shows have kept me company. I must have missed something because I did not realize that the end was so near. Today I was listening and at 12 noon Spanish music came on. I’m totally devastated and feel like I have lost my best friends ( I do stream- but who is on line all day?) I will do whatever it takes to get them back
The Clear Channel station in New Haven streams on the web and has much of the lineup that WKOX/WXKS had including Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller. They can be found at:
You can also listen at, although they won’t carry the Jones programs like Stephanie and Ed, of course.
Its not that I won’t be able to listen, its that I wont be able to in the car, and we’ve lost a presence (had they ever really advertised it to begin with).
But the biggest problem, in my estimation was that the station had no signal after dark. For half the year, it was unlistenable for the evening commute in the Boston area.
Not only that, but a chunk of my commute is under trackless trolley wires. Forget listening with all that interference. It doesn’t matter how much promotion they do if no one can hear the station’s signal.
I suppose I was complacent. I heard all the talk from Ed others about Clear Channel changing the format elsewhere, but I thought we had a strong listening audience in Boston area. Now I am outraged. I am glad to find some other listeners on this forum, how can we mobilize to get Progressive talk back where it belongs, in the Blue State of Massachusetts!