If you are upset by the fact that Boston’s progressive talk suddenly went off the air and want to do something about it, join us!
Save Progressive Radio in Boston
We are a newly formed (as of yesterday) group of concerned folks who want to get Air America, Jones Network and NovaM shows on air in Boston. So far we have 58 members and are planning a meet-up sometime in the next week or two to get the ball rolling.
Please share widely!
WBUR may infiltrate your meeting. Most likely Paul La Camera wearing Groucho Marx glasses. After all, they worry about 58 potential listeners picked off of their cume 460,000 audience.
Just kidding. We know you don’t like NPR and BBC. Both are secretly controlled by Clear Channel.
However, instead of trying to raise $3 million to buy an AM station, why not either –
a. Just have a conference call each night. Take turns playing “host.”
b. Get Stephanie Miller, Al Franken, et al meet you for drinks a few times per year? True, Al Franken is $25k a pop, but perhaps that’s negotiable. You know, a sort of “to each according to his need” thang.
it’s just that Air America and the others do, too. (this from what i’ve heard thru that prehistoric word-of-mouth “grapevine”, since i can’t get those programs on my radio…)
There is no way that a progressive radio station in the Boston area–with a decent signal could not get ratings and sell advertising if it was run with a mission to succeed. I very much like Air America/Jones/Nova-M but the affiliate needs a daily local program and a good signal.
Jay Diamond’s brief stint at WRKO on Saturday nights brought excellent ratings I have been told. This was despite being unpredictably pre-empted by sports. He pulled in a lot of regular RKO right-wing callers. The thing is that they listened and regular RKO advertisers kept advertising.
WKOX/WXKS was pulling a 0.4-0.6 rating for 12+ in the Arbitron Book over the last two years or so. This is better than several other local stations who get an asterisk in the ratings. Those other stations should consider changing to Progressive Talk with a morning news/talk show which is locally based, good promotion, and a similar schedule to what WKOX/WXKS had with a mix from AAR, Jones, and Nova-M. The market is surely there in progressive Eastern Massachusetts if it is done right.
some interesting individual talents are out there without shows. Jimmy Myers was a pretty good local host on WILD, which lost its urban talk. Jay Diamond that I mentioned before is as far as I know not working in radio anymore. David of BMG sounded comfortable on the Jeff Santos show–as a matter of fact Jeff Santos I think does not have a station. I knew Lindsey Parker from WHAV in Haverhill-from her great interviews with the late Andre Dubus. I think she has been working in central Mass—she is very quick witted and experienced.