The Good News is our next Governor understands that we need more law enforcement officers in-state doing the work that is needed. 103K buys a chunk of community policing.[http://www.devalpatr…]
I see Massachusetts as an intact community, where individuals and families see their stake in their neighbors’ dreams and struggles as well as in their own. Personal safety and the security of one’s property are indispensable elements of an intact community. In addressing crime, my administration will be firm, fair and forward thinking.
Response to crime must above all be firm. I see 1,000 new officers on the streets to restore and enhance our community patrol ranks. Well-trained and well-equipped officers across the Commonwealth, especially in our cities, will be assigned to neighborhoods, to build relationships with residents, clergy, youth workers and shop owners, better enabling law enforcement both to solve and prevent crime.
Please share widely!
michael-forbes-wilcox says
amberpaw says
When I read an article that said Gov. Romney had renovated a portion of the State House basement for a hair salon and a 13 person “adance team” to keep him looking good, my son and I went looking in the State House basement – and found it was a true story.
I wonder how large Gov. Romney’s staff is compared to Gov. Swifts, or what the total cost of his travel, and State Trooper details is compared to Swift, Cellucci or Weld?
I am willing to estimate that Governor Romney, despite foregoing a “salary” may well have been one of the most expensive [maybe THE most expensive] governor Massachusetts has ever had. Anyone out there have the figures?
peter-porcupine says
Or Dukakis, who acutally RAN for President for 2 years while leaving Evelyn Murphy holding the bag with no authority?
kathy says
the best thing a typical right-wing apologist can do is to go back 20 years and try to draw parallels. It’s nice to know that our tax money is going to make Governor Glam look presentable for his myriad of photo opportunities. I’m amazed he put a hard hat on for his ‘let’s put the Bechtel fox in charge of the Big Dig henhouse’ photo opoortunity.
peter-porcupine says
amberpaw says
did Dukakis set up a hair salon in the State House? Does anyone keep track of what a governor spends on his travel and troopers and staff? Unless someone has the numbers, I guess it is just throwing darts. I know the hair salon was built into the State House basement for Romney, though as well as the suite for his advance team folk because I went and looked for it and I found it, too!
But it is all sort of irrelevant, in a way, because Romney cannot wait to leave Massachusetts and I bet his caustic “humor” at our expense will become even sharper, oops, more focused.