- Get meta. I think the comment system is unfair to long-time users. I want the comments to be alphabetical. What is blogging anyway? Is it an integral part of the process, a part of integrating the process, or integrating itself into a partial process?
- Push little-known campaigns. I’ve been disappointed with the Council of Elder Affairs in Gosnold, and hereby announce my candidacy in next year’s town election for one of the vacant seats. I will have a donate link up next week.
- Attack other users with little provocation Hey DemsforMass07, your ideas stink and so does yer mamma!
- Link to a little-known author and proclaim him visionary. I think Yelnik McGwawa has some great ideas on taxing fish to bring back our fishery industries. I particularly like the passage where he notes that “since sharks cannot stop swimming, it is reasonable to tax them more as they use more oxgyen on a daily basis.” (bonus points for identifying the reference in the comment).
- Be contrarian Y’know, I kinda like Mitt Romney. He likes gays and Republicans are ready to vote for someone who isn’t Protestant.
- Offer advice. Lots of advice. I think Governor Patrick should cancel his bloated million-dollar announcement that corporate donations should now be 100% directed at the Mass. Democratic Party. You’re laying the groundwork for your own defeat, and you haven’t even taken office yet. Cancel the event or it’s governor Baker come 2011. And don’t wear green ties — they look horrible on you. (Previous comment guaranteed 35% sincere)
Please share widely!
stomv says
cos says
You can’t post this here. We have no sense of humor.
jillk says
You didn’t mention one thing about the healthcare amendment languishing in the shadow of gay marriage brou-ha-ha! What’s the matter with you.
And I also think Willard “Mitt” Romney has been a great governor. I’ll be sorry to see him go…
bob-neer says
Say, is your last name Carroll?
sabutai says
Funny, “Bob”…if that is your real name. How do I know you’re not just Jerome Armstrong?