From Richard Nangle, reporter for the Telegram & Gazette and eyewitness to the events at the anti-marriage rally, who I asked to respond to statements that the “push” never really happened:
It’s amazing the see the denial that’s out there in the face of solid evidence. If someone has a video, I’d like to see it. But for me it was a rare moment where you don’t have to rely on someone else to piece together the facts. Just as a sports reporter will be able to say without attribution what happened in tonight’s Boston-Ottawa hockey game, I was able to witness what was clearly an assault and battery. Now I’m reading blog entries that accuse me of being a liberal tool, which just shows that the folks who cry liberal bias do it out of instinct.
Pretty much says it all.
A post, an email …
but the fact that he relies so heavily on what he saw with his own eyes makes him a liberal tool. There is another force at work in the universe, it’s called “Truthiness”. He should look it up.
check your irony-meter.
i just thought truthiness was sooo horribly abused there… whoops. finals are KILLING me.
I know this is a little off subject but I felt it was important to bring up. According to the advertising department at Boston’s Progressive Talk, this Thursday they will be changing their format to “Ramba 1200 Spanish Tropical”. It looks to me like we will be losing Air America Radio, Ed Shultz among other good shows. I think it is important to have a Progressive talk station here in Boston, anyone have any ideas?
put this in a diary where people concerned can see it? you may have better results.
here is a new yahoo group so we can start to organize:
here’s the email connected to the site:
to subscribe:
Please send this to everyone you know who would be interested and post it on whatever blogs, etc you can. Let’s get something going!
She may have been asking for it?
I’m just saying.
but seconds before my reply?
When a man beat his wife in the 70’s, and the police would come to the call, one of the things they would ask is, “So what did you do to make him mad?”
Typical male shovanist reaction.
She did nothing but exercise her rights. Mr. Boch, please stop this, you are starting to look foolish. The man was wrong and has already admitted to police he pushed her down.
“Officers did not witness the incident, Worcester police spokesperson Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst told EDGE Dec. 19. If they had, they would have placed Cirignano under arrest on a misdemeanor charge, he said. “He’s already admitted that he touched her,” Hazelhurst reported. Under Massachusetts law, a person can be charged with assault and battery by merely touching another person if the touch is unwanted, Hazelhurst explained. “He pushed her down and he admits that as well.”
This is the twenty first century, not the stone age. People keep their hands to themselves, or they go to jail.
enough woman abuse has been ignored (and thus encouraged) based on the “what did she do to deserve it” line that I think people have a right to be quite sensitive on this topic.
The new PC is to show we can take a joke, that we’re not offended by offensive comments about “broads” taking falls, or women “asking for it.” We uprate those comments to demonstrate we’re not pinched, humorless word police.
Hopefully, I can say this without sounding pinched. I didn’t want to say it was a naughty, naughty joke no one should say, but it was a joke at which some could be offended because the idea “women ask for it” persists much more than the idea “the world is flat” persists. Further, that belief really does cause actual human damage in actual human lives. There is no problem with John Hosty being sensitive about this, in my opinion. Maybe he wasn’t as cool as the new PC requires him to be. (John, could you please work at being more cool?) However, his heart is in the right place.
Having worked with men who beat their wives in a past life, I can tell you that they shirk responsibility for their action. They often really believe “she made me do it” — to the extent that one must ask questions of the sort, “Did she put a gun to your head and make you hit her?” Note: we men rarely hit guys bigger than us even when we’re angry. Violence is a choice.
That said, I am going to return to working at not being offended by offensive comments. I’m going to be triple cool! You’ll be jealous of me, Lightiris!
“Having worked with men who beat their wives in a past life, I can tell you that they shirk responsibility for their action.”
I worked with women beaten by their husbands. I can tell you that they shirk responsibility for their actions.
As someone far removed from such circumstances (I was raised in an abuse-free home, and more than that, a home where my mother and father were on equal footing) the debate can be a little abstract to me.
I understand from your comments why people might respond somewhat forcefully. I was just trying to say it was Ernie being Ernie, but its understandable why that could offend.
In a previous lifetime I worked for the Department of Correction running Violence Prevention/Anger Management counseling groups for male felons convicted of violent crimes.
I found the comment offensive and immature, hence my zero. I don’t think jokes about women asking for a beating are funny, and I do think they are trollish in nature.
I missed the zero you handed out.
In the light trollish response I got, perhaps John Hosty was not so far off the mark in missing the joke.
People pay big money in the Catskills to hear comedy like that.
Now I know
I assume you are joking, but this is neither funny nor appropriate. Grow up.
why don’t you lighten up. Life’s too short.
There is nothing to lighten up about.
you had to point out the appropriateness of it, Kevin.
I also like dead baby jokes.
You really are a modern man Kevin. Sensitive to women’s needs. And damn proud to lecture someone who you decide is not.
I know in real life you are a meek little man.
So good for you telling me what is or is not funny.
is H R Kevin stand for Human Rights?
Mr. Boch, if you were joking about Mrs. Loy doing something to deserve being pushed down, I am sorry I did not understand it as such. Purhaps the fact that I was there to see how much this bothered her clouded my ability to see the humor. Some of your other posts on other threads here on BMG made me wonder where you stand, and when you said what you did I took it at face value. If it was your intent to be funny, you have my appology.
the tactic of belittling women and blaming them for receiving blows from pig men is NOT a thing of the past. it is an ongoing, abhorent behavour and is not in the least funny. your “joke” is as appropriate here and now as telling Deval “c’mere boy and lick my boot.” got it?
I don’t get it.
That’s not funny.
What would be funny is Deval telling you, Laurel, to c’mere and lick his boot.
That would be funny because you would?
Ernie might be claiming it was a joke now, but I think his original comment had more than a grain of truth to it. It could have been a man, and he would presumably have said, “what did he say to piss him off?”
A person purposefully provoked things, and someone got mad. Sometimes at these rallys people want the other side to get pissed off, so they can show how angry and hateful they are. This person has admitted she tried to get into the licensed, permitted crowd to get her message mixed in with theirs, and the Supreme Court has already ruled that people don’t have a right to do that. So, the licensed, permitted group had a right to remove her, and I don’t see what difference it makes whether the person removing her was a police officer or a private citizen.
my 2 cents
You might think it is fair to remove a protestor yourself, but touching one will land you in jail:
p> “Officers did not witness the incident, Worcester police spokesperson Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst told EDGE Dec. 19. If they had, they would have placed Cirignano under arrest on a misdemeanor charge, he said. “He’s already admitted that he touched her,” Hazelhurst reported. Under Massachusetts law, a person can be charged with assault and battery by merely touching another person if the touch is unwanted, Hazelhurst explained. “He pushed her down and he admits that as well.”
I think a grown man should know better than to push down a woman. His temper got the best of him, and that is indefensible.
Ms. Loy was overheard saying something about, “What would Jesus do?” Apparently that really set off Mr. Cirignano, head of Catholic Citizens Group, so he shoved her to the ground.
The notoriously thin skinned (but never meek) Mr. Cirignano, reportedly once pulled the hair of an elderly woman at a rally because she held a sign proclaiming: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Curiously, Mr. Cirignano has never been known to raise his fists at any male who was standing right in front of him, however to his credit, he has on occasion puffed himself up from behind the relative safety of his keyboard.
I think this is pertinent if it is true. Can you verify it?
for zeroes passed out in a single thread? We must be getting close here.