Deval Patrick dropped the hammer on Travaglini today and sent him to the press to apologize. Well not really, but that’s the way I interpreted what happened.
“I misspoke yesterday and I want to acknowledge that publicly to you…” Travaglini told reporters this afternoon. “The position of the senate continues to be standing ready to partner with the new administration in its efforts to demonstrate that we can conduct the people’s business in their absence in a positive way and that’s the reason for the visit here this afternoon.”
“The relationship between Deval and I is important not only to he and I but to everyone who resides in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to that end we thought it appropriate to demonstrate quickly that the relationship is strong, is respectful, is professional and is ready to engage in the issues of the day,”
Enjoy it folks. Such an apology will never happen again. There are just so many ways the legislature can screw with the executive side it won’t be fully realized until someone needs something to run for re-election on. Only the house and senate can provide that. If you think going to the community will produce results your sadly mistaken.
…that you’ll put a kibosh on any idea before it even starts.
Maybe that’s why your party is doing so well these days?
What idea? I’m ranting that its Trav and Sal who run the show. I can’t wait for 3-6 months to pass and compare comments then and now. You will all be more sad than happy. Because you have no idea how the system work. Heck that’s why you are and will continue to be on the outside looking in. They will appease you by making you think you have a voice. That will be a joy to behold.
that I don’t know how it works. Hi, I live in Lowell and watch politics here carefully. It’s not like I don’t get it.
I mean you are putting a kibosh on an idea before it even have ONE SECOND in power to act. IE “the community”. Can you wait for I dunno, things to actually happen before you say it failed?
“I live in Lowell and watch politics here carefully. It’s not like I don’t get it.’
In September, DP made the final table, and in November, he won the whole tourney.
But that’s over now.
He’s in a whole new tourney from now through June. Scoreboard back to zero. All the pots are small again for a while.
1. It’s nice for the new guy to win an early pot, however small. Eyebrows go up a bit, a tiny bit. A grudging: “Maybe the new guy can play.” Then we’ll forget about this by Tuesday.
2. You relax for a few hands, just like with the first touchdown or run crossing the plate, and try to get a read on other players.
And you try to avoid getting sucked into playing bad hands. “Oh, what the hell, maybe I’ll play this Jack-Nine just to see if I get lucky, I’ll probably just fold, oh look, the flop has a nine in it, maybe I’ll stick around……”
The political equivalent of getting sucked in with a bad hand might be Clinton 1993 suddenly dealing with gays in the military instead leading on his issue, “the economy, stupid.”
3. The blinds go up in January, but the first really big pot is DP’s first budget, House 1. There is almost zero chance that DP will have a powerhouse hand for his first budget — it’s inherent, no? You can’t have a budget that pleases everyone. At best, you’ll have a good hand, not a great one.
By the time you’re playing the big hands, you better know two things — how you’re going to play your own cards (tight, loose?) and how other folks play their cards.
It wasn’t pretty, but Clinton in 1993 decided to play it tight (balanced budget) and read the other players (barely) well enough to win the hand. That pot gave him enough chips for the rest of his economic presidency.
I think I jumped the analogy shark at #1.
My head is spinning. Don’t do that again!
certainly wrong on #2. There is no sitting back. There is more of them (legislature) then there are of you (gov)
The analogy is wrong anyway because politics is the art of compromise. Everyone has to win. And Trav and Sal we know for certain always will.
Ya’ll just keep proving my point that while you have all have very well thought out opinions and ideas you sure would never know how to succeed with them in the political arena.
Rocky ledge to rocky ledge
Across dangerous gravel washes
You climbed here, barefoot
Leaving bloody footprints on bare rock walls.
On this empty, windswept plateau
You are building a stone house
Buffeted by chill winds, only birds
Comment, wheeling high above and calling.
Rock by rock you built with dry stone
No plants, no flowers, no trees
You use only rock, rock upon rock
Wary of growing things as too soft.
You sleep upon rock. You eat rock
And wonder why you still hunger;
Your body always aches at dawn
You half remember music, and fear madness.
From dawn to dusk you cut and haul more rock
And never feel it is enough;
Though every muscle and sinew ache
You cannot stop hauling rock.
cDeborah Sirotkin Butler
…what that poem has to do with the situation at hand…but I enjoyed it on its merits.
I’m not saying anything has failed yet. What I’m saying is that things will not go down on Beacon Hill as many here hope they will. Never. Never. Never.