Just a quick reminder that BMG extends a warm welcome to celebrants of every political and religious persuasion — whether favored or not by the political winds of the moment.
If yesterday was a day of delight for your family and you — with, perhaps, presents and a groaning holiday table — remember it was not ever thus. As our estimable Foundation for the Humanities reminds us, on 25 December 1659, “a law was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony requiring a five-shilling fine from anyone caught ‘observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way.’ Christmas Day was deemed by the Puritans to be a time of seasonal excess with no Biblical authority. The law was repealed in 1681 along with several other laws, under pressure from the government in London. It was not until 1856 that Christmas Day became a state holiday in Massachusetts. For two centuries preceding that date, the observance of Christmas – or lack thereof – represented a cultural tug of war between Puritan ideals and British tradition.”
..that the good guys prevailed. And may they always.
On the 25th, I went to church!
Am I off the hook? :~)
And technically legal even by Puritan standards – well done! đŸ˜€