Dear, dear, what are we to do about this expensive inauguration? Brian McCrory wants us to skip all the parties and throw open the State House doors. Problem with that is that the folks in western Mass. will feel left out. Nobody wants us to let corporations kick in, but then the Beagle thinks that $50 to get in to the ball is already too expensive (I guess no one told them about the plan to have people buy extra tickets that could be given to supporters who couldn’t afford the $50…). The committee plans six satellite events and the folks in Metro West are disappointed because they don’t get to host one. There seems to be no way to make everybody happy.
Well, I’ve put a lot of thought into this and I think I’ve come up with a solution, the first ever inaugural progressive dinner. Right after the youth event (better keep that, don’t want to disappoint the kids) Deval jumps in a car and drives across the state for two days, stopping in different towns along the way to share one course of a meal with each group. Each site could be organized as a pot luck, with any leftovers donated to a local food bank.
I’ll nominate my senate district to provide dessert on the first night. Our district coordinator makes a mean lemon square :-).
We’re only charging twenty bucks!
$20 would be a really good deal, except that it’s for a Kerry Healey victory party, and most phone booths only charge 25 cents.
$20 to see Deval at the Cape Codder hotel – such a deal!
she was refering to the innaugural reception, which like all the events except the ball is $20 (see http://www.jan4th.or…)
It will make it harder to justify taking up to $50,000 from the corporations and political groups, otherwise known as the appearance of influence peddling. And it will better reflect the grassroots that got Deval Patrick where he is today.