Hot off the presses from the KnowThyNeighbor blog, regarding the incident first reported in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette and noted twice on BMG:
KnowThyNeighbor has just learned from Sarah Loy herself that she has indeed in fact filed a criminal complaint with Worcester Police against Larry Cirignano for his assault on her at Saturday’s rally at the Worcester City Hall.
Thanks to the blog MassResistance Watch, KnowThyNeighbor was able get in contact with a key witness, in fact, “the first responder” who saw Ms. Loy grabbed by Larry Cirignano and pushed down on the ground. The force by which she landed on the concrete caused him to be concerned with Ms. Loy’s “physical health” and he rushed to her aid, lifting her hair off the pavement. This eyewitness confirmed by his account that Ms. Loy was at the outer perimeter of the anti-gay demonstrators and far from the podium when she was pushed to the ground by Cirignano. It has also been reported by this key witness that he had contacted the Boston Globe reporter James Vaniz who pooh-poohed this incident in Today’s Globe, and offered his eyewitness account of the assault by Cirignano. The email that was forwarded to KTN reads in Vaniz’s words, “Thanks for the offer, but at this point, I am not sure if there will be another story. I’ll let you know if I hear otherwise.” …
It has been confirmed that BayWindows has a photograph of Ms. Loy taken immediately after the assault. This photograph shows Ms. Loy on the ground after the attack. Also, it has been confirmed that the reporter covering the story and who published the first account of the assault was an eyewitness to the attack. Ms. Loy reports that this reporter’s words to her were, “I saw the whole thing.” KnowThyNeighbor had posted photos of this reporter interviewing Ms. Loy seconds after the assault, so it confirms that he was very close to her.
Ray Flynn, who was present at the rally, claimed in a statement that he didn’t see anything, but added that “nobody has the right to push anyone. The marriage issue is very important and everyone is entitled to protest and demonstrate peacefully.” One does hope that the Cardinal will issue at least a similarly mild condemnation of violence at demonstrations, and that Mr. Cirignano, if he is criminally charged, might have the good sense to take a leave from his post. And, should Cirignano be charged and found guilty, one would certainly expect Flynn, the Cardinal, and others to immediately withdraw any backing of him.
UPDATE: KnowThyNeighbor has updated its post as follows:
I just spoke with the reporter from the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, Rich Nangle, who first reported on the assault. Rich witnessed the entire assault, purposefully wrote the initial story without words such as “alleged” as he was writing a first person account. He will also be testifying in the criminal case. Nangle told KnowThyNeighbor regarding Cirignano’s assault, “I have never seen anything so disgusting.”
Not looking good for the “she took a dive” crowd, I’d say.
the witness might be the guy who proceeded to blog about it here, preemptively torching his own credibility as a witness. She better hope the pictures are good. What about the mysterious video?
I wasn’t there.
What I do know is that the guy who posted the story, in addition to being outraged, was gleeful at the prospect of discrediting the entire “let the people vote” movement.
That sounds like it could be an Italian soccer injury.
I withhold judgment until we see video.
The criminal complaint should get an investigation, we’re not going to see the video tape as it will likely be part of what the police will take as evidence. Seems to me that if witnesses come forward, it leans toward the person filing the complaint.
Guess what, people get attacked and you can’t see a video tape of each occurance. If that’s your personal test.
Nothing leans toward the person filing the complaint.
Upon re-reading, it seems that a reporter saw it, which is probably good news for the victim.
All I was saying is that, with that one possible exception, every witness has an axe to grind, one way or the other.
It’s either the people attending the rally or the protesters. The police have to sort that out…
i’m sure mrs. loy is filing a criminal complaint just for the heck of it. boring day you know, and all that.
I detected no note of glee. From rollbiz’ post, I expected the poster to be shaken not gleeful.
I’m pretty sure I’ve already responded to one of your comments where I listed at least five people I know of who witnessed the event. Rollbiz could have thrown his credibility to hell otherwise, but the fact remains there are probably dozens of other people who saw what happened and can corroborate his story.
So… your theory holds little water.
Since you weren’t there and I was, let me fill you in. One of the many witnesses was a professional photgrapher, and you will see a very interesting photo posted in BayWindows, who has the exclusive this Thursday. Spin isn’t going to help once this picture comes out, and as far as the video goes, it sounds like you think it is a bluff. Take a good look around at the photos you see with all those cameras and video recorders. Do you really think no one caught it? I am confident it is being held until a more advantageous time to share. The last laugh will be Mrs. Loy’s.
There is no acceptable reason for him to put his hands on her in any way, so the back and forth on this issue is closed. Mr. Cirignano admits he put his hands on her, and he had no right. There were police there for crowd control, but he lost his temper and reacted without thinking. For shame.
I have no comment on who the quoted witness is in the release above except to say that I don’t wish to have words or actions attributed to me that you have no cause to attribute to me.
I will say that I stand behind my earlier post and subsequent comments. I know what I saw. However, since it is now confirmed that there will be a criminal investigation and proceedings, and I will likely be involved, I am refraining from any further comment on the matter until I’ve spoken to my lawyer.
I don’t want to do this, but on advice from some here and elsewhere I think that is what I have to do at this point.
since you’re known here only as ‘rollbiz’, is it even possible to throw a wrench in your own real-world testimony, which will be given by you under your real name? i’m not suggesting that you do anything that might potentially hurt mrs. loy’s case, but i just wonder how deep internet anonymity goes in a situation like this?
Mr. Cirignano clearly has some anger issues and is a good candidate for some (court-mandated) anger management counseling. Methinks the guy is a bit too invested, shall we say.
In my search for more info on what happened I came across this account which includes pictures of the rally and the aftermath, but not the actual incident. It includes this side of the story
and a comment from a Georgetown selectman:
I wasn’t there, so I don’t know if she deserves an Emmy, or if it really was Larry going way out of line, but my best guess at this point is probably somewhere in between. I’m still waiting for the promised video/film.
From this blog
Damn blogs. As a protest incident, this thing is really overhyped. Can you imagine if Blogs existed around the time of Kent State?
All I know is 1) wait, because the fog of war is thick 2) she was stupid for wandering into a hostile crowd 3) he was stupid for playing policeman.
you mean we all need to be more careful mingling amongst christians (so-called?) at public events?
Is that what the kids are calling them these days?
…and I forgive you.
(BTW – I am NOT a Catholic)
But I forgive your failing eyes. Blog reading does happen fast and furiously sometimes. I’m glad that you are not in the category of folks that need to be avoided at peaceful, public functions. That is as I hoped and expected.
If you’re carrying a sign that says EAT MORE WHALE and you see a Greenpeace rally, no, I’m not saying be more careful. I calling you stupid if you choose to “mingle” into the middle of those peaceful, nature loving people.
anyone using that term sounds like an inhabitant of slap-her-into-shape territory.
A highly credible individual. I know I would take the word of someone who describes an assault as the “broad took a dive” over a well-respected Telegram & Gazette reporter.
Geez. The lengths people will go to nurture and protect their bigotry and neurosis.
why am I not surprised you’d propogate that trash? It can’t be all that orchestrated if he walked from his podium 30 feet into the crowd, now can it? This, of course, is according to the Worcester Telegram… who interviewed multiple witnesses, etc. etc. etc.
Kai, you have no credibility. I suggest you join your brethren here.
I’m sure the selectman who said “the broad took a dive” was biased, just as all the MassEquality folks who claim to have witnessed it are as well. I’ve also said that my best guess was that what actually happened was somewhere in the middle, but I don’t know for sure, and neither do you, Ryan.
Further, just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they lack credibility. No one seems to have any with you it seems these days, unless they share the same perspective. I’ve already said I thought that violence would be uncalled for in this situation and that there should be repercussions if it did happen.
Finally, Ryan, you should try to be able to disagree with someone without trying to banish them. I’m working for one of the most liberal members of the Senate (not in Massachusetts, I might add). She and I disagree from time to time, but shes never once thrown me out of her office.
What middle ground is there? He either committed assuault and batter or not. He either pushed her and she hit the ground or not. I’m a big fan of nuance, but there just isn’t room for much of it here. Considering I’ve seen photos of her clearly in pain and crying (and, mind you, I dabble in actor – and that wasn’t acting), I’m going to go with the more likely scenario – he moved the 30 feet into the crowd and likely committed assault and battery. Hopefully the video will be out soon (it may be tied up with the investigation) – I await some good pictures from Bay Windows even sooner.
As far as credibility goes, people who are blatantly homophobic aren’t going to have a lot of it in terms of the marriage debate – especially when those people are prone to violence. I’ve said two people lack credibility recently – you and Larry Cirignano. The reasons you lack credibility are, in part, described below. However, Larry’s reasons are more than present. What little credibility he had Friday was gone by the end of Saturday.
Finally, I wasn’t trying to banish you. I just thought they’d be more you’re speed. Maybe you didn’t know about them? Furthermore, I don’t care that you may or may not work for a liberal Senator in a different state. On every single gay rights thread I’ve ever read on BMG (which is a considerable amount), I’ve never seen you once sound gay friendly. And, as they say, if the shoe fits. You may be used to people timidly backing off – or the “I work for a liberal senator” (anonomously, at that) – to work on most people or some people… but, to tell you the truth I don’t care who you work for. Blogging and elitism don’t mix.
(And I know this is coming off harsh, but my mood has been spoiled and I’m in the middle of finals, so – so be it. One of the amazing things about free speech is that it isn’t really free at all. Things you say have consequences. Right now, I’m sounding like a bit of an asshole, but I’m sick of your incessant homophobic rants. There, I called it like I saw it.)
He could have put his hands on her (which would be wrong to begin with, he should have had the cops escort her), which I think he admitted to doing, and then guided her away from the podium area back to the area where the pro gay marriage crowd was. She could have then tripped, or faked it, or whatever and fell, without him throwing her to the ground WWF style.
As for credibility, I am not gay-marriage friendly, but I think the lesbian sitting at the desk next to me would have a different opinion about whether I was “gay friendly” or not. The gay man that just wrote me a very warm letter and got a reply this afternoon on my lunch break in NYC might also disagree with you. We can have a difference of opinions and still be friends.
Finally, you said here that
its not just me you uniformly discredited, or tried to “shun.” I might also add that I have a sister that attends your university, and I’m willing to bet your dorm room is a lot bigger and a lot nicer than my current accomodations. I’m hardly an elitist.
If you’d look at my reply, just below, you’d see a qualifier – they lost credibility the minute their leader, Larry Cirignano, went on the attack.
And your version of the events is uniquely your’s. Furthermore, he has NO RIGHT to touch her. NONE. Touching her and trying to get her to move via that movement IS assault and battery. If she was in the wrong place, he could have alerted the authorities, but he has no such right to remove her. That exceeds his rights in the matters of law – and violates Sarah’s.
his is not a police matter It what is known as a civilian complaint. Where’s this video?
Boy, I must be more naive than I thought. I figured the chit-chat about the Worcester rally incident would be contained to those who were there and actually saw something.
Did anyone else notice that the reporter did NOT claim to have seen the incident? His article was based on interviews with people at the rally/protest.
I don’t condone violance at rallies or protests. That said, there’s the issue of incitement. Activists are well aware of the rules. As a leader in the local ACLU, Ms. Loy knew she was where she shouldn’t have been. I had a long sit-down with the police before the rally and they explained that protestors can walk by the rally, but they cannot stop and mingle. Ms. Loy did both.
And can someone explain to me why she didn’t call an ambulance if her head cracked on the cement as reported? I fell and hit my head on an icy road once; ended up with a concussion and passed out for about 15 minutes. I’m amazed at how quickly Ms Loy was able to get up and interact with the press. She must have a great workout routine.
hi sharilee,
according to sarah loy’s online employee bio, she is a geographer. yes, a geographer, not a lawyer. it’s good that you had a sit-down with the police beforehand, but that doesn’t mean that they had one with her or any other non-vom person out there. if someone wanders or lingers where they shouldn’t be, it is the police’s duty to remove them. if the police don’t see them, it is the duty of the annoyed person to inform the police so that the police can remove them. sorry she wasn’t injured enough to make it real for you, but the severity of her injury does not pardon mr. c. for taking the police’s job (or worse) into his own hands.
First, to your point that the T&G reporter didn’t witness the incident, from knowthyneighbor:
Second, let’s address who you really are sherilee. You’re the regular poster from the Worcester County Republican Club, who posted such fine firsthand accounts as:
This is your account. Of course, you don’t claim to have seen what happened, but you know it was that awful girl that trampled a teenager, right? Riiiight.
So feel free to post whatever you’d like, it’s a free country and blogosphere after all. but don’t bash those who didn’t see something, when obviously you didn’t either. There’s accounts here from those who did, and if you can’t counter that with fact you should lay off and just say that you hope it ain’t so
All evidence that has not yet been released and all statements that have not been reveiled are likely to remain that way now that this has become a criminal investigation. The only exception to this that I know of is a picture that BayWindows is holding close to their vest, and I expect their is good reason for that, so we will see when their next issue comes out this Thursday.
There are some facts that people seem to be glossing over to play devil’s advocate, or in defense of Mr. Cirignano. Mrs. Loy did not approach the podium, it had a wide birth by everyone there, including the VoteonMarriage crowd she was standing with. For the doubting Thomas’ of the world, please look through the pictures at: http://worcester.ind…
You will see a photo of EVERYONE standing far away from the podium. Exactly where is it that she could have been standing that Mr. Cirignano would have needed to address her?
The single most important fact in this issue, and I am sure that the judge in this matter is going to agree, is that Mr. Cirignano had no right to lay one finger on her, even to “escort” her as he puts it. This is why she did not need to fake a fall. Mr. Cirignano has already stated that he put his “hand on her back” is his words, and that constitutes unwelcome touching, so the charge of assault is veritas. Spin everyone’s statements, and try to chip away at witness credibility, but the most damning evidence comes right from the horses mouth; Larry Cirignano himself.