Joe Biden ⇓ He declared, nobody cared.
Wesley Clark ⇔ Clark has been seen in SC, and hitting key early states. Clark arguably turns in the best Sunday Morning appearances of the people on this list but barely cracks the candidate news.
Hillary Clinton ⇑ She’s softening up on Iraq, announcing this month, and even borrowing her husband’s language. Not exactly a comeback, but a reminder that she’s dismissed too lightly by many.
Chris Dodd ⇓ He declared, nobody cared. Most important wrinkle — he’s announced that he will not run for re-election in the Senate, so a good month for Lamont (and maybe Jodi Rell?)
John Edwards ⇑ Officially in, and doing low-level traversing of key states. Big happy: he enjoys good news from Iowa, where a poll has him in front, and county chairs are said to rate him tops.
Al Gore ⇔ A Reuters misquote blows up into a big story, people still care, but nobody waits forever.
Mike Gravel ⇔ Any month that ends with Gravel still in the race is a good month for him.
John Kerry ⇔ Not much change in Kerry’s fortunes, and a quiet month. However, the CW is firming that last cycle’s nominee isn’t even one of the Big 3 this time around. But he has Deval!
Dennis Kucinich ⇔ So you’re running. Yup.
“Barry” Obama ⇑ Carries charisma that is still blinding, and milking the announcement process brilliantly. But people are taking a second look, starting with the fact that his announcement avoided the words “Iraq” or “Democrat”.
Bill Richardson ⇑ Flies in and negotiates a 2-month cease fire in Darfur, which the mass media ignores. Incredibly qualified, but still clearly weak on media management.
Tom Vilsack ⇔ So you’re running. First order of business: work on the Edwards love in Iowa — latest poll has Tom tied for third.