Our legislature is totally out of control. The Senate and House are run by a Gang of 30 who make up the rules about what should and should not be in our Constitution as they go along. There was no logic beyond personal whim and political expediency that saw marriage equality put to a vote yesterday and health care kicked to the procedural curb. The Gang thinks they are above the law, can thumb their noses at the courts and the voters, and will never lose their seats and sinecures, privileges and patronage.
They have a new think coming. The election of Deval Patrick, and in particular the way his supporters seized control of the Democratic Party convention, was a wake-up call for business as usual politicians in Massachusetts. The CA/Tastrophe is a daily reminder to everyone in Greater Boston of the costs of incompetence and corruption in state government. The internet has permanently increased transparency.
We need to find some good candidates to advance the progressive agenda on Beacon Hill, and specifically to run against the Scurrilous 62 and Queen Bee Travaglini.
All four of the Democratic House Floor Chairs—Candaras, Canavan, Nangle, and Tobin—voted for the gay marriage ban and against the health care amendment, as did President Pro Tempore Petrolati and House Rules Chair Scaccia.
Worse, all twelve of the Democratic House leadership voted against the health care amendment from DiMasi on down, as did seven of nine of the Democratic Senate leadership (Marc Pacheco voted Yes; Marian Walsh did not vote). That’s nineteen Democratic leaders in clear violation of their oaths of office.
The House Republicans, on the other hand, were unanimous in voting Yes to bring the health care amendment to the floor. Pretty embarrassing to be a Democrat and have to watch the 21 Republicans doing the right thing. (On the Senate side it was 2 yes and 3 no, which leads inexorably to the observation that while there are five Senate Republicans in your Gang of 30, those are the only five Republican senators in the General Court. Sort of like a medal for showing up…but very little power to make up rules if the other side doesn’t agree.)
thanks to bob and the previous commentor for the “leadership 101” aka “Gang of 30” resources. brings to mind a few burning questions that include: does anyone know if other amendments died yesterday from not getting their required 2nd concon vote, such as the rainy day fund item?
and who knows anything about Ms. Murray, who may well become the next Senate prez? Did she ever graduate from college, has she ever held another job? (can’t tell from bio below) fyi murray voted No on SSM and Yes to kill HCA by “study”.
lastly, pleeez, somebody tell me where to sign up to volunteer for a strong challenger to Trav’s seat if he does not retire (“retire”, ha!).
murray bio from state website:
Senator Therese Murray http://www.mass.gov/…
State House
Room 212, Boston, MA 02133
Tel: (617) 722-1330
District office
Building Three, Room 319
Cordage Park
Plymouth, MA 02360
Tel: (508) 746-9332
Party Affiliation – DEMOCRAT
State House E-Mail Address: Therese.Murray@state.ma.us
DISTRICT REPRESENTED: PLYMOUTH AND BARNSTABLE. – Kingston, Pembroke, Plymouth and Plympton, in the county of Plymouth; and Barnstable, precincts 10 to 12, inclusive, Bourne, Falmouth and Sandwich, in the county of Barnstable.
EDUCATION: Midwest Academy, ’74; Northeastern University; El Camino College.
PROFESSION: Legislator.
ORGANIZATIONS: Democratic State Committee; Plymouth League of Women Voters; Women’s Business Network; Plymouth Democratic County League; Massachusetts Democratic Leadership Council; Cape and Islands Democratic Council; Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce; Cranberry Station Advisory Board.
PUBLIC OFFICE: Massachusetts Senate (1993-2006, Chairperson, Senate Ways and Means 2003-’05).
Committees on which the legislator serves:
p> Senate committee on Ways and Means (Chair) Senate committee on Ethics & Rules
I have been acquainted with Sen. Murray for years, as she represents the Upper Cape, as far east as Barnstable.
She is tought, shrewd, supports the Base, smart, and dedicated. My heart has never been in any effort to defeat her.
She is very private, one of the few legislators who don’t allow their birhtday to be printed in legislative directories (it’s in October!).
She is very interested in health care, as she served as Senate Chair of Insurance. She has many perfect scorecards for various groups.
If you can get her on your side, she is loyal, and she keeps her word.
Come on… they did make sure that simulcasting at race tracks lived to see another day. What’s more important? SSM, health care for families or dog racing? They certainly have their priorities. LET’S MAKE IT OUR PRIORITY TO GET THEM THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!!