Organizers are hoping some of the folks who frequent this web site will join the LGBT community at the candlelight vigil Wednesday on the Common, to draw attention to the hate and violence stirred up by the continuing debate over banning same-sex marriage. It starts at 6:30 PM and should last about an hour; it’s near the corner of Tremont and Boylston, across from the offices of Catholic Citizenship. The Executive Director of that socially conservative lobby committed an assault and battery on a pro-equality demonstrator at a rally in Worcester last month. We need a strong show of support from allies because the LGBT community has been demoralized, as it appears to me, by the defeat last week in ConCon. We can’t win this on our own, that’s for sure.
BMG folks should join tomorrow’s vigil on the Common
Please share widely!
There were about 40 people there. It was really cold. About seven people spoke for a few minutes each. Some highlights: there is a concern about a rise in gay violence, the assault in Worcester (?!) where a Catholic official pushed a woman to the ground was mentioned quite a bit, and there were a number of religious leaders there.
So, that’s what I got. Did I mention that it was cold?
for the report. now go get warm!
As this vigil was put into action, MFI released a statement calling for calmer heads and dialog between the opposing sides of the gay marriage debate. Like the old lady in the 80’s fast food commercial, I ask, “Where’s the Beef?” I hear the words, but where is the effort to bring this “discussion” together.
Personally I don’t believe Kris Mineau or any of his closest conspirators have any intention of sitting down with the gay community and trying to reason things out. I would love to be made to eat my words, but the most virulent haters of gay equality have already proven to me that they will do whatever it takes to keep us down.