1. PEER Released Email Reveal EPA Libraries Dispersion – Nov 20: U.S. EPA is frantically dispersing its library collections to preempt Congressional intervention, according to internal emails released by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). PEER said, “Contrary to promises by EPA Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock that all of the former library materials will be made available electronically, vast troves of unique technical reports and analyses will remain indefinitely inaccessible.” Meanwhile, many materials formerly held by the Office of Prevention, Pollution and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) Library, in EPA’s Washington D.C. Headquarters, were directed to be thrown into trash bins, according to reports received by PEER. This month, EPA closed the OPPTS Library, its only specialized library for research on health effects and properties of toxic chemicals and pesticides, without notice to either the public or affected scientists.
Access a PEER release with links to extensive support information here
2. Article from Christian Science Monitor
3. Nice discussion with historical perspective at MajorityRules. See entry from December 19, 2006 entitled “Burn the Books. Who Needs Science?” says Bush to EPA
kbusch says
I first heard about the doings at EPA on Al Franken’s show. It’s really alarming. It epitomizes the administration’s hostility to science and its total recklessness.