I think I heard this right — it was difficult with the constantly-breaking-up webcast. 61 yes, 132 no, and the amendment advances to the 2007-08 session. I think.
Can anyone confirm that that’s what happened?
Rep. Rushing has moved for reconsideration. Don’t know what that entails.
UPDATE: The Bay Windows live-blog says there were only 54 “yes” votes. Not sure which tally is accurate. Hoyapaul in the comments says the actual number is 61.
Please share widely!
…a second vote can be taken within one hour (an old Town Meeting trick).
Is health care coming up now?
…which requires a simple majority to pass.
what a gent
I heard something about it being approved…then something about a recess for an hour….
NECN is reporting the amendment is passed without debate. So it is advanced, according to what they are reporting.
“Lawmakers in Massachusetts, the only state where gay marriage is legal, just voted to advance a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, a critical step toward putting the measure on the 2008 ballot. The Legislature approved the measure 132-61. The initiative, which only needed 50 votes to pass, must still be passed in the next legislative session before it will be put on the ballot in 2008”
Bay Windows is incorrect — the actual number is 61 yeas. I believe they are just looking at the House vote and not adding the Senate votes to it.
I believe the 54 yeas were the votes to break until 3:30, not the votes on the amendment.