It was announced tonight on local stations that Mitt will take out his presidential committee papers on Wednesday, Jan.3, 2007. Tomorrow being declared a “National Day of Mourning”, federal offices will be closed, he’ll be unable to file.
Since it is his last day as Gov., and now with this announcement, I hope that MSM have enough sense to cover the story and move on! There will be 18 months to cover Willard, but Deval Patrick and Tim Murray will have officially one day for Inauguration!
So all of you media types out there, please get your stories in by the 11PM news on Tuesday and get on with it…Lets not drag this, “gonna be Prez” thing out to be beaten over and over.
Deval already arranged things so Mitt would be gone on his ‘special day’ – he’s beginning to sound more and more like the little girls on My Super Sweet Sixteen!
Mitt’s just being his usual absentee self skipping out a day early. It’s disgraceful he’s doing that.
…Mitt would have walked right through Deval’s outdoor podium ON THE STEPS OF THE STATE HOUSE. So PATRICK and ROMNEY agreed to have MITT do the walk on 1/3, after doing the formal exchange of tokens of office, which is also usually done in the House Chamber.
I’m sorry, but this new schedule is to accomodate DEVAL. No revisionist history, if you please!
PS – some of us are angry that a Governor is being treted in this disrespectful way, but we are willing to keep our lips pursed and accomodate Deval’s new-bride-like wishes. And if the media follows Mitt over Deval, comparisons to the sun and moon come to mind as far as charisma and general interest goes…
Mitt knows that the crowd that will gather for Deval would loudly boo his departure. He doesn’t want a bad photo op marring his swan song. The Patrick inaugural could have easily accommodated Mitt’s final stroll from Beacon Hill if Romney wanted to be seen anywhere near his place of employment.
HOW does the Governor walk down the staircase, and not go through Deval’s seating area and podium which block the staircase? Maybe climb over the fence and go down by the Hooker statue?
Check with your sources – this is DEVAL’S idea.