Kerry has decided that he’s not going to run again for President. His people are putting it out that the “botched joke” made him realize Dems had “skepticism” about whether he should take his comedy show on the road again.
If this is what it took for Kerry to finally comprehend how horrible of a campaign he ran last time, the real joke is this clown even being considered a legitimate Presidential possability- much less the junior Senator from MA. The bad news is, Kerry is going to run for reelection to the Senate in 2008.
Kerry’s politics have grown so bloated, ponderous, and ineffective that I think he’s ripe to be seriously challenged by a clear speaking, grass roots candidate in the primary.
This may sound crazy, but I think Chris Gabrieli could give “The Joke” a real run for his money.
theopensociety says
I am so tired of hearing about how John Kerry lost because he ran a terrible campaign or because he did not have the support of the grassroots. John Kerry almost beat an incumbent president during a time of war when that president had almost complete control over the news coverage. (Doesn’t anyone else wonder what happened to all those terrorist alerts we had in 2004 whenever the Kerry campaign was about to make a major announcement.) It would have been a miracle if Kerry had won. As someone who campaigned heavily for him, I also know he had grassroots support for his candidacy. That is how he got the nomination. Obviously, it just was not the grassroots you were a member of.
John Kerry has been a dedicated public servant for many years and is a good man. He deserves our thanks. By deciding not to run for president, he has made the right decision for himself and for Massachusetts. I hope he remains our Senator for a long time.
Chris Gabrielli as a grassroots candidate? Isn’t he the guy who tried to buy his way into the governor’s office?
joeltpatterson says
The greatest success Republicans have had in the past twenty-five years has been the way Democrats have internalized contemptuous views of Democratic leaders. John Kerry ran a good campaign and if he’d garnered two hundred thousand more votes in Ohio, he’d have won. But he got hammered hard by a media dominated by people like Ted Koppel. And here is a conversation that illuminates just how concerned Koppel & his ilk are with the truth:
p>Listen that hollow egotist justify his own thoughtless echoing of lies: If John Kerry hadn’t promoted his own experience in war, then the lies wouldn’t have been resonant. Somehow, Ted Koppel has decided the news is like Koppel’s hair: doesn’t matter if it’s genuine, he’ll just go with what looks good.
The next time any of you Democrats starts to say, “John Kerry was an awful candidate,” bite your tongue and remember how a press corps with an audience of millions repeated Republican spin without batting an eye.
John Kerry fought hard to get his country on the right track.
He deserves the respect of every Democrat.
The real disgrace lies with a press corps that didn’t do their job.
jconway says
Definitively the thought that it was the Swift Boating alone that sunk Kerry is not entirely accurate, the man had several big gaffes along the way, he should have crushed Bush in the debates, Edwards was a bad choice for VEEP, and he should have opposed the war from the get go. I think the biggest attack that stuck was the perception that he was a flip flopper, and if you really look at his platform vs his senate record he was! During a time of national insecurity people stuck with the demon they knew would be too stubborn to change (a choice the bulk of Bush voters regret making) than the demon who was too insecure with his own positions.
Also Bush flip flopped, yes the MSM did not report it, but neither did John Kerry. He should have gone on the serious attack and failed, the only Dem candidate with the balls to really call out Dubya for who he was was Dean, and I honestly think he was far more electable than Kerry ever was.
That said, I think all this Wednesday morning quarterbacking is irrelevant since Kerry is no longer a candidate. I would support a challenge of John Kerry simply so he can truly defend his record and convince people that he still deserves his job. He ultimately made a political decision and cast an immoral vote to look more moderate, lets be honest he was never a genuine supporter of the Iraq War, hell he opposed the first one which was far more legitimate albeit equally unnecessary. For that vote alone he should face punishment. He also backtracked from a historical support of gay and abortion rights in the campaign, continually makes verbal gaffes embarrassing himself and our state in the process, and he has done little for his “homestate” in the 23 years he’s been in the Senate.
As for Gabs being a viable challenge there has never been a race Gabrielli would ever pass up, but I just think a man is arrogant if he never learns and every time he loses he just keeps pursuing higher and higher offices. Think about it if he loses to John Kerry in 2008 his next move would be a presidential race…
joeltpatterson says
Lapdogs by Eric Boehlert
James, what you’re not getting is that the press operates by a double-standard. Bush has had several gaffes equal to or greater than John Kerry and the press let them vanish into the night. Everybody makes verbal gaffes, but our press corps treats Bush’s as harmless stuff and a Democrat’s as treachery.
This means your perception of John Kerry not criticizing Bush’s flip-flops is distorted. For instance, Kerry spent a good deal of October hammering Bush for “taking his eye off the ball” when Western forces and their allies had Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora. The Bush people’s responses to this were rubbish, but newspapers such as the Washington Post didn’t point out the lie.
republican-rock-radio-machine says
I think you guys are crazzy when you act like JUST the Republican’s have the media on their side.
I mean gimme a break . . .
Where there is a FOX there is a CNN
Where there is a Rush Limbau there is an AIR AMERICA RADIO with their fleet of DJ’s. (PS AAR is now Bancrupt by the way).
Where there are celebrities on the Right there are ALSO celebrites on the Left.
There was “Memo Gate” from CBS
There was Fahrenheit 9/11 from Michael Moore during the whole campaign season
And fake rumors of a National “Draft” during the 2004 election.
Trust me – John Kerry had plenty of “Star Power.”
Look in every contest there is a winner and a loser. George Bush was the Winner, and John kerry was the LOSER.
The really big LOSER that sits by himself at a lunch room table in Iraq.
Kerry = LOSER
republican-rock-radio-machine says
republican-rock-radio-machine says
PS: the dems are going to need more star power in 2008