Because you either live in the 4th Congressional District of MA or know others who do, you can help stop the demolition
of public housing in New Orleans.
What 4th District Residents Can Do
Call US Representative Barney Frank to let him know that you support:
- Immediate cessation of the demolition plans for New Orleans public housing.
- A Congressional investigation into the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) decision to demolish thousands of livable
public housing apartments in New Orleans. - The right of displaced public housing residents to return home to New Orleans immediately.
In Metro Boston the 4th Congressional District includes
Brookline and Newton.
Call Barney Frank now at 202-225-5931 (DC office) or 617-332-3920 (District Office, Newton).
Why Barney Frank?</h3
US Representative Barney Frank is the new Chair of the House
Committee on Financial Services, which has oversight of HUD. In the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as the ranking minority member of the
Financial Services Committee, Representative Frank has more than once
called on HUD to respond appropriately to the Gulf Coast's massive
housing crisis. But stopping the demolitions and bringing displaced New
Orleanians back into their homes requires more than good positions.
Frank must halt a process that has already been approved and launch a
Congressional investigation. Frank needs to feel strong support from
his constituents in order ensure that he takes the necessary actions.
For more information visit the Gulf Coast Fair Housing Network:
General overview: Talking points:
- 4th Congressional District:
- Fact Sheet:
- Condition of the Projects (includes photos):
Also check out the Gulf Coast Fair Housing Network blog for new developments and more information:
Ben Greenberg
Somerville, MA