The wheels are coming of the bus of Mitt Romney’s Conservative Express. TPM Cafe reported that Mitt held a fundraiser for Doug Anderson was running for US Senate for Utah in 1992.
Mitt’s people tried to downplay the fundraiser.
A Romney spokesman, Kevin Madden, confirmed that the fundraiser had occured but dismissed its significance. “Doug Anderson is a close personal friend of Mitt Romney,” Madden told us. Madden added that “sometimes friendship qualifies politics, and that was the case with Doug Anderson and Mitt Romney in 1992.”
What makes this significant is that Doug Anderson was running for an open Republican seat. Jake Garn (R-UT) was leaving the senate. You might remember the Doug Anderson, Mitt Romney also contributed the max amount to Doug Anderson’s campaign with a personal contribution.
So for all of Mitt’s excuses and double talk he was basically working to take a Republican seat away from the senate. Time for another YouTube video from Mitt?
republican-rock-radio-machine says
I guess there was yesterdays post
“Romney and the strategy that only a campaign finance lawyer could love”
which was forced to admit “It’s all legal, at least as far as anyone knows.”
And today’s bashing because he felt a democrat was the best man for the job back in…..what was it 1992???
I know any card carrying Democrat will not vote for him because he has an R next to his name.
Like wise – Any card carrying Republican will vote FOR him for the same reason.
So I guess you are trying to paint him as a John Kerry style “Flip Flopper” to the undecided crowd. Well I wonder what Mit will say . .. .
maybe something like this . . .
I voted AGAINST the war after I voted FOR the war….OH wait a minute that was “John Foot-in-mouth Kerry” who said that.
I mean Mit may say something to the effect that ….. I liked what that man in Utah stood for. Sonnds crazy right??? someone who thinks for himself and doesn’t do what his Party tells him to do.
I don’t know . . . looks like Mit is squeeky clean
johnk says
Did Mitt’s people say that? This is the quote:
They said nothing about being the best person for the job, but instead they were buddies. Kind of like in a “Hechva Job Brownie” sort of way. So losing a seat in the Senate, no problem we’re buds.
Thanks for the tip.
republican-rock-radio-machine says
“So losing a seat in the Senate, no problem we’re buds. “
So you think that republicans everywhere are going to vote for Hilary or Obama because of your above statement????? Shoot you are even more scared than I thought.
I don’t even think the undecided crowd cares. Infact this should make him more appealing than your tipical liberal drone who tows the party line . . .
weissjd says
but I don’t think the point is that Republican voters will vote for a Democrat in the general, but that they’ll vote for another (loyal) Republican in the primaries.
david says
the guy’s name ends with a double “t.” If you’re going to shill for him, at least spell his name right.
republican-rock-radio-machine says
Dude…don’t call me dude
save that for your peace raly, along with your drugs, and $4 bottle of water.
Sorry about the peace raly comment…couldn’t resist.
peter-porcupine says
3RM – David is a responsible person, not some druggie. Why would you offer such a gratuitous insult?
johnk says
Each situation adds to the already lengthy list of position changes that Mitt has done. Again, most of these “changes” happen to coincide with what Mitt is making himself over as for his next conquest. All of these positions didn’t change years ago, that argument doesn’t hold water. Read the Weekly Standard article I posted below.
Values issues, which for the most part don’t have much position changes, but Mitt is up there with Gay rights, choice, stem cell research, etc. But what we also see is a political opportunist and we see it not only today but in his entire political career.
The latest example of truthiness is about his Foreign Policy Advisors. Mitt Romney made his 5 point speech about Iran and nuclear weapons. The conservatives lashed out at Red State which lead the Romney campaign online communications director to post a list of policy advisors. Now this is where it gets hairy for Mitt, eyeon08 posts that those policy advisors, they include Henry Kissinger. The problem is that Kissinger signed up with the McCain camp in November and is not an advisor to Romney. The article includes others as well. You see the comments on Red State concerning this situation. Now a second post on Red State by a Romney supporter that now describes the online communications director as a “staffer” but that’s what you get when you go to a conservative resource.
What a joke. Nah, he just talked to people, that’s it. So we go from Romney’s strong Iran speech which he get taken to task by conservatives, only to be counter that they didn’t provide the entire list of advisors, to, how do you define advisors?
Romney has a credibility problem and with each encounter it only adds to his problem. That is the point.
peter-porcupine says
…since they are very unlikely to nominate him.
And so are the Brownback/Tancredo/Ron Paul supporters from whom you are culling your ‘exposes’.
Fortunately, the GOP is far larger and wider than that.
johnk says
republican-rock-radio-machine says
PS – You have been served
peter-porcupine says
…in Geography.
I expect it to turn up on BMG any day as ‘Presidential Candidate Fails to Identify Kazahkstan’.
So – 1994 scandals proved to be a flop? Moving back to 1992, are we? By all means, YouTube it. Having close personal friends, in both parties…brrrrr……CAN’T have a demonstrated ability to work with others! Where WOULD we be then?
johnk says
From that ultra
liberalWeekly Standard you know the one who has Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes as it’s editors?<
You guys are embarrassing yourselves.
When it comes to changing positions, Mitt is in a class all by himself. He did it here in MA twice, and if you don’t remember he wasn’t going hard right.
peter-porcupine says
…remind me, WHO is embarassing themselves?
johnk says
I was talking about Mitt’s counter YouTube video which was very entertaining. We know now that’s it’s not 13 year old history when the Weekly Standard points out positions that he still held only a few years ago.
johnk says
I was talking about Mitt’s counter YouTube video which was very entertaining. We know now that’s it’s not 13 year old history when the Weekly Standard points out positions that he still held only a few years ago.
republican-rock-radio-machine says
let’s se
Yeah – I want you to patrol UTube for some more damning stuff. I heard Mitt once J walked in 1988.
Oh is was horrible – there was a perfectly good cross walk right next to him and everything.
johnk says
Mitt posted on YouTube. Do you understand what happened earlier?
This was widely reported.
republican-rock-radio-machine says
I thought the graphic titled “Mitt TV”
“The amazing video of Mitt Romney forcefully staking out socially moderate positions.” was a UTube video that you guys were holding up as some kind of damning evidence that he could never be a good president because he has socially moderate positions.
But maybe I am missing something. Why don’t you explain
johnk says
johnk says
Weekly Standard
mr-fair says
It sounds like you don’t like the “flip Flop” lawmaker type.
I guess you didn’t vote for John Kerry in 2004
It’s just ironic…you have to admit đŸ™‚
johnk says
this has abolutely nothing to do with the post. Feel free to post a Kerry thread, I’ll be happy to discuss.
I think we all understand that Mitt is in a class all by himself. If the only counter you have is to talk about others rather than defend Mitt then you have obviously answered the question.