If you go to http://housetv.hou.s… there is a click window for gavel to gavel coverage of the State House, House of Representatives anyway. There is no more cable coverage.
Supposedly, the House Committee on Abuse and Neglect will get both live and “quick archive” coverage, but I cannot find archived web cast coverage at all. Can someone help with this?
Please share widely!
blockquote>Windows Media Player Required
Dumb jerks. There’s no excuse to make it only available in WMV. At minimum, they should offer all broadcasts in MWV, mov, and Real. At minimum.
Not everyone uses Windows, and not everyone uses Windows or Mac. Everyone should be entitled to access state government media, particularly newly created media.
When I attended the House Committee on Abuse and Neglect hearing in Room A-2 on 1/26/07 I was told it was being recorded by digicam and would be immediately available. A young guy was in the corner with a digi cam, at least.
p> cannot find any webcast archives anywhere on the General Court Web Site. I was told today’s hearing would be broadcast “live” – but nothing is being broadcast today.
I was also told that transcripts would be “made available” and will check in as to that – none yet though.
And I am not betting on quality – but anything would be better thans this big black hole in coverage.
Me neither.
..in this paradise with the GOP Governor gone?
Surely, now all hearts are pure. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about what is being done – we doan’ need no stinkin’ watchdogs!
THIS is NOT about Republican and Democrats. THIS is about transparency. When I was in a post surgical rehabilitation facility this summer after a hip transplant, I could watch and listen.
Again, there should be a way to watch all “debate” and all “open hearings” without trekking to the State House.
The web portal is dark, doesn’t work, no archives, what is up with this.
Pure of heart, indeed. Sounds like sour grapes. Whatever the “party” the public should be welcome, and there should, no MUST be video or web coverage and besides, why provide a link and a portal, and say it will be used and not use it? SEE:
[Received from the House}
Thank you for your interest in the work of the House Committee on Child
Abuse and Neglect.
Due to the interest in this subject and the temporary nature of this
special committee, we are unable to respond individually to your email,
but your comments will be fowarded to the Committee members. The
information below about the mission of the Committee, the avenues
available for public input, and the hearing schedule answer the most
frequently asked questions.
Established in early January at the request of Speaker Sal DiMasi, the
Committee has been authorized to make an investigation and study of the
manner in which the Commonwealth of Massachusetts protects children from
abuse and neglect. The committee shall study the following 10 matters:
1. the balance between protecting children and family preservation
2. the reporting of or failure to report child abuse and neglect by
mandated reporters and others
3. the investigation of such reports by the Department of Social
Services (DSS)
4. the qualifications and management of social workers and other
staff at DSS
5. the management of records by DSS
6. the capacity of DSS to critique itself and respond to criticism
7. the role of law enforcement, including local police and the
district attorney
8. the role of private providers, including therapists and medical
9. the capacity to handle high-risk children
10. the Commonwealth’s role as a guardian in end-of-life decisions
The Committee has scheduled three days of hearings and has specifically
set aside time for public input. In addition to any comments you wish
to leave for the Committee at this email address, you are welcome to
attend any and all of the hearings and may testify during the public
input period.
Given the magnitude of the Committee’s task and the need to hear from
all interested parties, the Committee will follow standard hearing
procedures. As a member of the public, you are welcome to submit
written testimony on any of the hearing dates. If you wish to testify
in person, the Committee will accept oral testimony on Tuesday, February
6th from 2 PM to 4 PM. It would be helpful to the Committee if you
submit a written copy of your oral testimony. You may sign up to
testify beginning at 1 PM that day and will be called in the order that
you have signed up. Oral testimony will be limited to three minutes per
person, but written testimony is unlimited. Please plan accordingly.
* Thursday, January 25, 2006 10 AM to 12 PM, 2 PM to 4 PM
State House, Hearing Room A-2
* Tuesday, January 30, 2006 10 AM to 12 PM, 2 PM to 4 PM
State House, Hearing Room A-2
* Tuesday, February 6, 2006 10 AM to 12 PM, 2 PM to 4 PM
State House, Hearing Room A-2
The hearings will be recorded by House Video Services and made available
soon thereafter at http://housetv.hou.s….
I once watched the Budget while on morphine after emergency surgery! The Gavel to Gavel music was great, as I lay there murmuring, ‘Hey! Thass George Peterson takkin to Alice Wolf…they doan agree on anything!….Byron Rushing has the nicest eyes….’ and other hallucinogenic observations of House members.
Amber, if I am sarcastic, it is because I am just annoyed that the Democratic leadership has assumed that they can ditch Gavel to Gavel, becaue nobody will question them. I know you are – you started this thread. But where are the Reps and Senators saying it should return?
SEE http://news.bostonhe…
Think they will come back with better ideas for web covrage OR gavel to gavel?
But no, there won’t be an outcry from the reps though I guess I will need to follow up with certain ones…Rule No. 1 per Judith Meredith, the dean of all citizen activists is that legislators behave differently when their constituents are watching so those of us who care about this had best make that fact known.