So, Veep daughter Liz Cheney’s here to tell you that we gotta win in Iraq:
Sen. Hillary Clinton declared this weekend, ” I’m in to win.” Anyone who has watched her remarkable trajectory can have no doubt that she’ll do whatever it takes to win the presidency. I wish she felt the same way about the war.
… America deserves better. It’s time for everyone — Republicans and Democrats — to stop trying to find ways for America to quit. Victory is the only option. We must have the fortitude and the courage to do what it takes. In the words of Winston Churchill, we must deserve victory.
We must be in it to win.
Sis boom bah!
You know, this is too little too late to the point of irrelevancy for me to say this at all: This administration has had nearly four years to try to win this war — heck, to make any progress at all — enabled by a Congress of GOP lemmings. They !#$@ed it up beyond all recognition. And now we’ve got a Democratic Congress that’s being asked to mop up.
To the dead-enders of the “pro-victory” crowd: If you wanted to win the war, you should have won the war.
was the best choice, after a nationwide search, to be…
principal deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs.
I wonder if she can read Arabic.
For my source of this info and a very good summary of her lack of qualifications see: http://inthenameofde…
“If you wanted to win the war, you shouldn’t have lost it.”
That’s about all I hear when I read this. What an effing embarrassment. What job did daddy get for her?
I was almost embarrassed for her, kind of wincing when reading this but no, she gets everything she deserves.
from Ms. Cheney. What’s next for WAPO I wonder? Maybe an editorial from Jenna Bush on how we should immediately nuke Iran & Syria, and if anyone doesn’t agree with the idea, then they are supporting the terrorists.
There’s nothing quite like having your patriotism questioned by the dim witted offspring of chickenhawks.
If the people opposed to the war from the beginning hadn’t been holding them back. Absurd, of course, since (a) the Bush administration has had a blank check to win this war for longer than we fought and won World War II, and (b) a majority of leaders of the Democratic Party, including a substantial majority of Democratic Senators, supported the war (as as already been extensively discussed on BMG). But I am just saying that is the argument that is coming, and if there are any other suggested talking points in opposition, please make ’em.
…obviously a reflection of a high-school level cheerleader. This should be embarrassing, were it not typical of what comes out of the Bush administration.