And that brings us to Hell’s newest permanent resident: Robert Drinan. Read on.
A more vicious, nastier human being has rarely lived — not because he was a lawyer (although that’s a good first step); not because he voted for, and avidly supported, the Evil Party (also a good step); and not because he was John Kerry’s nominally Catholic shield during the 2004 campaign (y’know, these parentheticals are beginning to add up…).
Robert Drinan is as surely in Hell right now…for the evil he effected, directly through his own acts, and indirectly through the scandal he flouted with his every public act.
His comments are so alien to me, so beyond my spectrum of values, that I’m speechless.
That’s, um, that’s some hate right there. I don’t even know what to say about that.
If Hell is a real place then we can argue sincerely about who is and who is not there.
Let’s assume that Hell is a reality. Would you argue that Father Drinan is in Hell?
I’ve read through most of the comments and almost everyone is calling him on his tone and the fact that even the Church says they don’t know who is in hell and who isnt. This person clearly isn’t articulating the thoughts and feelings of most (or anyone else, from whats up there so far) on that site.
That said, wow. What a mean spirited whack job. It looks like he knows his Catechism pretty well, he just appears to have skipped over the love thy neighbor part.
Also, in one of the most bizarre parts of the post, and you use ellipses to skip over this Frank, he appears to have condemned his own soul as well.
He ends it with the same thought:
I’m heartened that people on Redstate are taking him to task, but I honestly just don’t know what to make of this.
“As ye judge, so also will you BE judged.”
Peter, don’t ruin it for me by saying your comment was tongue in cheek.
These are the people I fear and whose views should not be considered as part of the country’s political dialogue when, in other posts, I speak about religious people with literal religious beliefs.
How do you discuss and debate with this person matters of real substance when it is clear that people like this lack a willingness to apply reason, logic, and critical thought? I cannot imagine this guy holding any valuable opinion or insight on any matter of national importance.
Freedom of religion is fine, but ideas and thinkers as the one revealed above have no place in an intellectual free marketplace visited by thoughtful, honest, and ethical people.
Vile. Repulsive.