From today’s NY Times, some great images of some of yesterday’s great events.
Here’s Deval Patrick delivering his inaugural address …
… and here are some of the folks who were watching.
And elsewhere in the United States, how about this for a feel-good story?
Yes, there’s lots to do. Yes, it’s a long road ahead. But do find some time to sit back, enjoy the beverage of your choice, and marvel at what happened over the last two days when a whole lot of people that you — we — supported were sworn into office.
Please share widely!
The populist timbre, and the high expectations of Mr. Patrick, were sounded early, with a benediction by Rabbi Jonah Pesner describing the multicultural electorate and the problems of poverty, violence and discrimination.
“Behind every face hides so many secrets – painful secrets of suffering,” Rabbi Pesner said, urging the governor and the people to create “a commonwealth rebuilt, repaired and redeemed.”
Dude, the Rabbi
It was honestly the most impressive benediction I have ever heard. I’m trying to get a hold of a copy because it should be spread far and wide.
When you get the text, please post as I would also like a copy – it was the most inspirational benediction I can remember, too.
I’ve been looking for a video clip of his benediction all day, but can’t find out. He was amazing!
What a great thing to show my kids Public Speaking if only I could find it….
I’m editing the video i took yesterday into clips, there’s one of the benediction as part, so I’ll link over here.
or does Speaker Pelosi (oh! sweet words indeed!) look like a cross between Sally Fields and the cat that ate the canary?
I am so glad, for the sake of all those who participated, that the weather for Patrick’s swearing-in cooperated. I only wish I could have been there, but, alas, family matters tied me up all day into most of the evening.
Even so, I am love, love, loving these days.
If by Sally Fields, you mean the bi-polar character she played on ER, then spot on.
But thanks for playing. Run along now.
I think that will be an increasingly emerging theme in some quarters these days, Kathy.
Happy New Year!
The first woman Speaker of the House;
The first Mormon (and, I believe, non-Catholic or Protestant) Senate Majority Leader;
The first Muslim Congressperson;
The second African-American elected governor;
all in one day. And all Democrats. I think that says who we are as well as any platform.
It just struck me as I looked at the photos that we now have elected leaders from a potpourri of religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds. A lot has changed since I was a kid in the 1960s!
I’m not sure if I’m just so dense that I didn’t see it creeping up, or if I’m so enlightened that I didn’t think of these folks as “women”, “blacks”, and so forth.
Either way – Viva la Difference!
I was there with my principal (who is visible in the top photo behind the microphone stand to Patrick’s left, tall guy with blue tie–I’m in front of him, but all you can see is my hair to his right) and two seniors. We all attended the Inauguration and the Youth Inauguration at 3 PM at the Shubert Theater. Patrick is great with kids. When he was talking to him, you could hear a pin drop. They love him–what a great thing to see. It was a super day all around.
of the newly elected; Pelosi, Ellison, Reid and especially Deval Patrick.
It was a beautiful day yesterday, great turnout, and it was nice to see that Dukakis, Weld, Celluci & Swift could all attend.
Kindly go here for the photo-essay.