DemsForRomney has some suggestions for Mitt on what to do with his new found warchest.
1. You can rebuild yourself, you have the technology. You will be better, stronger, faster!
2. To make up for your lack of Stem Cell support become the first candidate to announce their support of Medical Bionics.
3. Update WikiPedia Page with proper imaging. (Update – someone has apparently already taken care of this – scroll down a little)
Please share widely!
I just made the adjustment on demsforromney.
Swoon. Can’t wait until they introduce his running “mate”, Romneytronica.
…the handy Ideology Dial-o-matic!!
Aiming at a post in a red state? Turn the dial to “high” and stream out condemnations of abortions, gays, gay marriages, taxes, spending, taxes and spendings, gay taxes(?) and tax-free gay abortions!
Find yourself suddenly running a blue state? No problem — turn the dial down to low, and suddenly you’re a bigger friend to gays than Ted Kennedy, and you’ve an open mind about abortion!
Running for the mouth-breather vote in a Republican primary? Turn the dial back up to high!
Set it…and forget it!
I love seeing Romney running for the WH, especially now that he’s ended his charade of playing MA Governor.
I hope that he hangs on in the GOP “race to the bottom”, right to the bitter end. It can be a Steel Cage Death Match with Li’l Rudy, ‘Honest’ John McCain, and Sam ‘Total Jesus’ Brownback.
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