There’s a lovely clip of Willard Romney blaming our state legislature for the failure of RomneyCare to deliver the goods:
As usual, he took the opportunity to slam our Commonwealth – “The other states will get it right”, sayeth Willard.
Please share widely!
A bit OT, but you’ll appreciate it I think. Apparently, OH “gets” it right in terms of who/what Willard is. He ranks below the margin of error in a recent OH poll.
Looking at your posting (thanks) it just struck me that the Republican field is seeming more and more like a staggering clutch of undead zombies. And Willard might be at -0.6% even in that crowd, which would be appropriate.
But I wouldn’t count ‘ol Willard out yet – he’s a very dangerous fellow.
to be fair, the margin of error for Romney in that poll is 1.8%, as the given margin is for a result near 50%, the error gets smaller away from 50%, so it actually 2MoEsqrt(n%*(100%-n%))
and thanks. Is polling stats described in English anywhere on the net? Might be nice for folks in general to understand better what the figures we all throw around really mean.
Why are you promoting a Dutch football club? đŸ˜‰
They’re so impressed by my verbal perseverance here at BMG, that they decided to honor me by picking up my tag line. But seriously, “Luctor et Emergo” happens to be the provincial motto of Zeeland (Netherlands), so it’s not surprising that a Dutch football team might adopt it. FOr those who don’t read Latin, it seemed an apt tag for someone fighting for equal rights. It translates to “I struggle and emerge”.
Romney and Co. think it’s fine and dandy to enact a legal mandate on residents of the state – taxpayers, workers, citizens – requiring the purchase of private insurance (that is sold at a profit) but it’s NOT ok for there to be any mandates or requirements on the insurers for what residents will get for their money. Sounds great to me! (smirk)
Isn’t it undeniable that these middle-men insurers suck up huge amounts of money and divert those resources away from direct care services. Insurers do not contribute any health care value to the system, do they? It mystifies me why so many smart people are willing to just roll over and continue to get such a bad deal for our hard-earned health care dollars.
p> in the state and on the national level along with the Hacker proposal out of offer steps toward a better way to provide affordable quality coverage for all.