I got home today and read the paper, to the unfortunate news that there are plans for a Wal Mart supercenter to come into my city. Worcester the second largest city in the state prides itslef on being a friend to small business and it’s inevitable benefits. In fact if this were to go through (and I myself will do anything I can to try and stop it) it would be so detrimental to the mom and paps that Worcester will look just as boxy and mundane as the others. This will no doubt lose jobs not gain them and it will no doubt hault, what even I believe is a city on the move. Most of you probably already know all the harmful affects that Wal Mart embarks upon each and every day. So I was wondering if their was anyone else who feels that Wal Mart has no place in Worcester, or if their was anyone who had any advice as to how I might be able to tame this corporate beast.
Can’t believe it’s finally here
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