The caucus rules are available at this link for those who have not attended before or would like details on the process. Since it is a non election year, I would expect things to be pretty non-confrontational, but always good to be prepared.
Please share widely!
sco says
If you have any interest in going to the State Convention, go to your caucus on Saturday. If it’s anything like ’05, it will be very easy to get elected to go. Most delegations do not get filled up in the off-years.
cephme says
Since my original post. Are we being watched. 😛
David, thanks for promoting this to the front page. I hope to see a lot of new faces on Saturday.
cephme says
If you are not elected and qualify for one of the add on delegate spots you can request an add on form at the caucus. Youth (under 36!?!?!) add ons spots are given preferentially to people who attend the caucus and are active in local Democratic organizations. So show up. 😀
amberpaw says
After all, some day an issues convention may once again deal with issues.
stomv says
There are add-on spots available for youth (35 and under), minorities, and disabled. Add-on delegates are full delegates with full voting rights. You are more likely to be selected as an add-on if you attend the caucus.
As to the initial post about just strolling in and getting yourself elected — it’s not that easy in all towns. I recommend strolling in with a bunch of friends, thereby giving yourself a bunch of votes de facto.
One more thing — you must be on time. If your caucus starts at 1:00, you must be signed in (some places allow you to be in line) by 1:00, and you must stay the whole time.
Otherwise, no vote for you.
alexwill says
I got all my wisdom teeth out this morning, so not sure if I’ll be up for it, but if I am I will see you there.
sabutai says
I’d note that while it is “easy” to become a delegate this year, serving this year makes it easier to run next year, and the next one — so that by the time a really big (gubernatorial) convention comes around, you can stand up and state that you were at the last three conventions.
cephme says
though it came to three ballots… I did finally get in. 😛
sabutai says
But I won out over the treasurer of the committee. Mind you, being just about the only person in the room who stood behind Tom Reilly was likely a factor.
jconway says
What exactly do off year conventions do?
sabutai says
The way it generally goes is this:
Ostensibly, it’s for discussing issues and amending the charter. However, the only amendments that make it to a vote are those deemed desirious by the state committee. The highlight will be a speech by a mid-high level Democrat (Deval probably) saying nice things. This is followed by other speeches, and votes on charter and platform amendments.
There is usually time to browse the hall or merchandisers, and that’s about it. Not even a full day.
centralmassdad says
Why one would schedule a caucus for 6:00 p.m. on Super Bowl Sunday.
centralmassdad says
My fancy new calendar has a Monday-Sunday week.
In the words of Roseanne Rosannadanna, “never mind.”
kraank says
Our town committee chair . . . is not . . . efficient. (WOW was that tempered.) Naturally, there is nothing posted, and there has been no announcement of the caucus. What is a committee member to do??
Out of laziness I ask that question. While waiting for a post I shall read some rules. My thanks.
cephme says
by rule the committee is required to hold a caucus on Feb 3 or before Feb 10, if they get a special waiver. The caucus must be publicly advertised. If this does not happen the committee is in violation of the rules and the chair should be replaced.
How does Chairman Kraank sound to you? 😛
kate says
According to the Method of Selecting Delegates …
“If a Caucus has not been scheduled and announced by January 12, 2007, any ten registered Democrats residing within the affected Ward or Town may be authorized to call such a meeting, provided they each sign a request for such authority from the Chair of the State Committee to be submitted by January 19, 2007. Such request must include date, time and location of Caucus.If a Ward or Town Committee fails to schedule a Caucus and a Caucus is not called as outlined above, the State Committee Chairperson or designee, in consultation with the district state committee members, may do so.”