This from today’s Globe:
Crime lab botched 27 DNA results
Nearly twice as many as state found earlier
By Jonathan Saltzman, Globe Staff | February 14, 2007
An administrator at the State Police crime laboratory mishandled DNA test results in 27 sexual assault cases, nearly twice as many as state officials’ most recent count, according to a nearly completed internal review. …
… State Senator Jarrett T. Barrios , who co- chairs the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, said the increase in mishandled cases makes it more urgent that the committee holds public hearings into problems at the laboratory…. “There are enormous implications to the failure of the State Police crime lab in this instance, not the least of which is the potential for innocent people being convicted,” Barrios said.
Check out the vlog I posted the other day on connections between the State Police crime lab and the LaGuer case.