It took 371 years but women are finally on top in public, as well as in private, at Harvard. The University has named respected historian Drew Gilpin Faust, Radcliffe’s current head, as its new President.
Faust said in welcome remarks:
We have dedicated ourselves as well to a dramatic expansion of access to Harvard’s academic community – at every level: with the undergraduate low-income initiative, with the commitment to bring women and minorities into science and into the professoriate more broadly, and with our efforts to make the professional schools more affordable. I hope that my own appointment can be one symbol of an opening of opportunities that would have been inconceivable even a generation ago.
Faust’s appointment is an exclamation point at the end of the tortured tenure of Larry Summers, who punched his own exit ticket by offering as his “best guess” that “issues of intrinsic aptitude” were responsible for “variability of aptitude” between women and men in “the special case of science and engineering.”
We all benefit when the doors of opportunity are opened. Harvard should be congratulated for its distinguished appointment, and for putting its history of prejudice against women in the rear view mirror. Faust should be congratulated for hitting the right note from the start.
In the first paragraph of his speech, Larry Summers identified these under representations as well:
“To take a set of diverse examples, the data will, I am confident, reveal that Catholics are substantially underrepresented in investment banking, which is an enormously high-paying profession in our society; that white men are very substantially underrepresented in the National Basketball Association; and that Jews are very substantially underrepresented in farming and in agriculture. These are all phenomena in which one observes underrepresentation, and I think it’s important to try to think systematically and clinically about the reasons for underrepresentation. “
quite a guy.
Black people are taller than white people and they hate the cold.
I just clinically and systematically explained Basketball AND hockey. Gotta love Jason Kidd and Jarome Iginla.
…So Harvard got rid of its male president, the idiot male Summers–although they didn’t really, since the idiot Summers is still among the professoriate in the “economics” brigade–and they install a female president.
I know nothing about the soon-to-be-installed female president, but let’s understand something. The only job of the president of a university in the USofA–particularly a private university–is fund-raising. Harvard jettisoned Summers as president after it had become obvious that he would be detrimental to fund-raising. And, Harvard decided to install a female as president because–voila!–he had dissed females, which led to his being jettisoned as president.
I’m sorry, but all of this is a joke. If Larry Summers had dissed midget males who hop around on one leg, Harvard would have tried to find a midget male who hops around on one leg as its president.
….that is some hefty cynicism. A woman is going to be president of Harvard University for cryin out loud. It is a big deal. Literally historic. I for one am gonna take the glass for half full (and then some) on this one.
…why it took Hahvahd so long to have a female fund raiser/cheerleader is beyond my information.
Stanford had one for a few years–her name was Condi Rice. See what that got us? But Stanford had a “twofer” and I’m sure you know the reference.
Bob, I’d suggest your truncating of Summers’ remarks cast them in the worst light possible, though you did provide the link, to your credit.
The ill-informed comments on your post show why lots of the Left stood up for him, from Harvard undergrads (who supported him 3-to-1) to the Washington Post editorial board etc etc.
Here is what Summers said, in case a reader wants to judge for him or herself on whether he should have been ousted.
“ill-informed comments on your post”
I meant the commenters below your post.
I was careful to try to quote him accurately, but the full text is always better.
in the actual speech, at least as shown on my browser, it was one gigantic paragraph!
he had to resign. As I recall, he was in and out of hot water pretty much every year for some “bull in the china shop” type incident (like the African American studies thing). I would also note that Harvard differs from other American universities in that it has a massive endowment and such a lofty reputation that the money veritably flows in of its own accord (OK, slight exaggeration, but it’s not your typical college that has to beg constantly).
Summers was removed by Harvard and his comments regarding women were just the last straw. He had alienated the faculty, alum, and friends in his pursuit to be right in everything. He was combative and made enemies whereever he has worked.
Anassa kata, kalo kale. Ia ia ia Nike.
She’ll know what I mean.