As a postscript to the Marcotte-McEwan Wars, my brother pointed me to this post by the differently-winged blogger Iowa Hawk: l’affair Marcotte as My Fair Lady. Hilarious, awful, not PC and definitely not work-safe:
I tell you why there are two Americas, my dear Dr. Dean. Man is a product of his environment.
Balderdash! “So bententh the tree,” say I. Take the insane Bush cabal that plotted 9-11, for instance, genetically rotted from root to branch.
This is where you are wrong my friend, and I shall prove you so. Take the young woman over there, banging on the keyboard.
HOWARD DEAN (sniffing)
The one who reeks of cat urine? Ghastly! What of her?
I am prepared to wager my indoor squash court that I can train her to be a proper presidential campaign representative.
… and it degenerates from there. Actually, a pretty good allegory for those who would tame the wilds of the internet …