Hat tip to Lori for pointing out Local bloggers are the future on DailyKos today. The key point, per Chris Bowers as cited by Markos:
[S]tarting in late 2003 with the introduction of a scoop platform to Dailykos, a process began where highly trafficked, highly linked progressive blogs continued to innovate far beyond the structure of a single blogger sole, mainly punditry oriented, content provider.
This is actually a bigger point than the local blogs topic of the post, interesting though that is. The arrival of Scoop, which is the open-source technology that powers SoapBlox, the platform we use here, changed the paradigm of blogging and increased the potential political power of the blogosphere by an order of magnitude. From punditry to community is perhaps one way of describing the change. I wonder what is, or should be, next.
…our next blogosphere informal conference, which, if I can get my act together to propose it, might be in late March or so. Hard to believe only about 1 year and 2 months ago, we met in Worcester. My how things have completely changed…
My proposed topic of conversation: getting more bloggers in Congressional District 5. I looked around (figuratively) a couple days ago and realized, if there’s a special election for Meehan’s seat, I am the ONLY blogger here!
Lynne — revel in it! Imagine the press conference two weeks before the special election when you are ushered in front of a podium, next to a broadly smiling candidate. You announce your full support, and go off in a wild barnstorming tour lending the integrity of Lynne in Lowell to your chosen candidate.
We don’t get along. I have enough problems being in front of a radio mic as it is. đŸ™‚
Susan is still blogging at Beyond 495. I don’t remember where exactly she lives, it might be in Markey’s district, but she’s at least near the Concord/Acton portion of the 5th and does cover that area. I used to see her at Acton DFA meetings.
wherever that is. đŸ™‚