On Countdown, Keith Olberman reviews the bomb scare. A bit of news as well, MSNBC contacted Boston authorities and they said that they will be dropping the charges against Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens.
Tell me if I’m wrong. Towards the end of the clip he lists other cities who didn’t act like Boston, but he actually names Boston and tries to mumble it when he realizes what he’s saying. Fire the cue card guy Keith!
(Update, from TC it was Austin)
Please share widely!
Couldn’t hit the stop button in time. My apologies.
he said Austin.
On the other hand, he called the ads “Light Brite-esque” when they are Lite Brite-esque. Call it even.
Why do I even own a tv? If it’s worth watching, it’ll show up on YouTube.
He called them Bright Light esque.
And in other news, my application to become the new cue card guy for Keith was summarily turned down.
That’s awaesome if charges are being dropped. Has anyone heard that confirmed by any other news sources? I didn’t see it on Boston.com when I looked at the site a minute or so ago.
On top of many other things, this fiasco helps to highlight how absurd our immigration laws are. If he’d been convicted, Berdovsky would have faced deportation back to Belarus, like thousands of others each year who are in the US legally but are deported due to convictions, often for nonviolent crimes. This all stems to the 1996 immigration reforms pushed through by the Republican Congress under Newt Gingrich (and, shamefully, not vetoed by Clinton).
One of the great lessons of this fiasco is that there’s a very good reason the Globe is going out of business.
The paper follows an old model of nanny journalism that just doesn’t cut it any more: We all get together for lunch, decide what people should believe, and then report it as if it were true. Omission, spin, fabrication–whatever it takes to get you little people to believe the “right” things.
No wonder people don’t get their news there anymore.
I hear ya, and I’m not a fan of the mainstream press in general. But again, has anyone heard confirmation of charges being dropped from any source other than Keithh Olbermann?
Im sorry I cant give a reference to this but, according to a report I saw, when the D.A. attempted to bring the felony charges against the two (possible sentence of 5 to 10 years)
the judge told them to get real and refused to allow it. It seems that they have plead guilty to “Disorderly Conduct” so that the DA can say the were convicted of a “crime”. Meanwhile…what about the real hoax-bomber? Wonder who’s realative he is that he hasnt been charged.
You think they’ve pled guilty to disorderly? I have to doubt that. The hearing last week was only an arraignment, not a trial. This is a chance for a person to hear the charges he/she faces. While they enter a plea, it is VERY rare for someone to plead guilty at this point without pushing for the prosecution to develop its case.