Gentle readers (and watchers) of Blue Mass Group: Below is my first foray into movie making. (Thanks to nifty software called Movie Maker.)
The point, as you will see, is that the prosecutor at the recent SJC hearing on the highly politicized Benjamin LaGuer case characterized a 2002 DNA test as definitive proof of LaGuer’s guilt. This was a diversion because the hearing hinged on a fingerprint report, suppressed at the time of trial, showing that someone other than LaGuer touched the base of the trimline phone the cord of which the perpetrator used to bind the victim’s wrists. Plus, the DNA=absolute proof of guilt assertion just doesn’t hold up. What the prosecutor neglected to say is that evidence gathered and vouched for by the State Police crime lab had been commingled with LaGuer’s underwear (which did not come from the crime scene) back in 1983. Given the power of today’s amplification techniques several nationally recognized DNA experts have said this (and other problems I didn’t have time to get into in this video) render the 2002 DNA results useless and dangerously misleading.
But that didn’t stop the prosecutor from presenting them as something else. Have a look:
The letters from the four nationally recognized DNA experts I refer to are available for download at You can also access them directly right here:
Letter from Dr. Theodore Kessis (pdf)
Letter from Prof. Daniel Hartl (Word)
Letter from Dean Wideman (pdf)
Letter from Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky (pdf)
This is why I say that IMHO prosecutor Sandra Hautanen owes the justices an apology for trying to mislead them. You can see the entire oral arguments HERE. I welcome comments and questions about the content, style and impact of this, my first attempt at videography. Either post them here at BMG or contact me privately by Email (remove “NOSPAM”).
In the spirit of civic engagement a group is forming to bring attention to the fact that Ben LaGuer Deserves and External Review of the 2002 DNA Test Now!.
Very well made and informative.
The video speaks for itself, Sandra Hautanen should be held in contempt of court never mind apologize.
Why has DA Joe Early not commissioned an investigation into this case?
Call DA Early at 508-755-8601 and ask why his office has dragged their feet while all the evidence related to the crime lab has been exposed?
red pill/blue pill moment. Once you start it’s hard to stop. Thanks for a great vlog.
I’m already getting some ideas from your stylish posts on important issues.
I have no idea, remotely, what I’m doing, but I’m doing it baby. That’s the first step.
This month hunger, next month I’m just going to NOLA to interview people right in the streets. Not kidding. And NH is only a hop skip and a jump for me. I’m a wee bit behind on my vlogging, but…
I’m trying to get a series up and running called “Voices in America: NH speaks,” it’s catchy huh? I think that if you want to know what voters in these early states think then you have to go and ask them. Imagine that – asking a voter what’s up instead of waiting for the latest poll to “inform” you.
I have to admit I’m impressed with your blogging, video, effort and especially your tone. LaGuer is lucky to have you on his side. As you know I personally think your efforts are misplaced and in fact working against justice, but hey, what can ya do. Nice job.