Andy’s giving up blogging at Mass. Revolution Now! Sad!
I met Andy several times doing bloggy things, like covering the convention. And in fact, he was the guy I called on primary night to get the results — I’d been working that night and wasn’t near a computer or TV. Anyway, for the practically Maoist ring of the name of his blog, Andy’s a really nice guy with a really nice blog.
He says to watch his site for new developments at his URL. I suspect there’s something coming that reflects a man-the-barricades style. We’ll keep an eye out…
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Andy, though I’ll certainly miss his blog!
massmarrier says
He gave no indication over the weekend — sneaky guy.
That’s still a bit sad. He was kinder and much terser than I at the keyboard. I hope that we’ll see him on BMG and elsewhere.
That written, I’m surprised that more individual political bloggers keep at it as long as we do. We one-man bands can get tired (aw and lackaday).
andy says
I am only reluctantly closing my doors. Susan M. of Beyond 495 fame has threatened that if I do not lock up then the rumor mongering for which she is famous will only get worse. I can’t live like this. She is seeking a quick consolidation of the blogosphere and it apparently starts with me. BEWARE OF SUSAN! She is Team Karen and is evil.
Thanks for the post Charley. I am not going away entirely as Ryan seems to have figured out. The solo blogger gig just wasn’t working for me so I figured I had better just face the music. I will just have more time now to stalk around the other great blogs that exist!
susan-m says
Yes. I am a bully.
Mass Rev. Now – check. Who else can I add? evil laugh