OK, I wasn’t going to do this, but after seeing the MyDedham post, I decided I’d throw my hat in the ring also. I’ve also started a SoapBlox blog Talking Stoneham. Since our town has gotten such great publicity in the mainstream media recently you may be interested in tracking how things turn out. I ‘checked in’ after the election last November and got appointed to the Finance Committee, so I’ve got an inside look at how things are going. Would love to have folks stop by and say hi.
Please share widely!
Its an online community explosion, I think every town in Massachusetts should have a SoapBlox community site by the end of the year. I imagine we’d be the first state to do this. We’ve got Stoneham and Dedham, that’s 2 down and 349 to go (Wiki says 351 cities and towns).
ProgressiveMass and the Lexington Left. (note: some tech troubles: posting doesn’t work at the moment, but hopefully, you can still see prior stuff.)
You have to pay for that every month and have no control over the system. When I put out LiL 2.0, I’m hoping it might be a model for an alternative to Soapblox. And WordPress is free! Well, you gotta find hosting, but since I do that anyway…for me it’s free.
But anyway, congarats, and very best of luck. Be sure to put yourself on Leftyblogs.com feed ‘K? It’s my main mode of tracking blogger posts these days.
I just posted an interview with Doug Obey from Westwood on RMG.
You may or may not be interested.
I just love the idea of citizen journalists at the local level. (I will probably be creamed for referring to you guys as “journalists,” but so what.) I want to post here again the link to the project I have been working on with Common Cause Massachusetts which is trying to get all cities and towns to post their public records online. It is called the Massachusetts Campaign for Open Government. On March 15th, 72 cities and towns were recognized by Common Cause at a State House Ceremony for posting at least their key governance records online. It may help out anyone who decides to become a “citizen journalist” in their community. Good luck.