Previous updates on the 11th Norfolk race have generated little discussion, but I thought I would keep all you sports fans updated anyway. That, plus, today’s paper has proved one of my predictions right. In that post I said “I’d be surprised if [Margot] Pyle returns her papers. She is no spring chicken and wouldn’t be able to keep up in a campaign against the others.” Guess what? She failed yesterday to turn in her papers to Bill Galvin’s office.
Pyle has instead thrown her support behind Cheryl Shoenfield, who replaced her as Chair of the Chairs. What does this mean? Probably not much. She doesn’t command a big machine in town. She may be able to throw some votes Shoenfields way, but it won’t be too many. This leaves McMurtry as the only Independent in the race, something I think will help him, but probably not too much either. I really think the primary is still up in the air and will come down to whoever wants it the most.
For those of you who are interested, a couple of candidates have websites up. Most are not much, but check out Steve Bilafer‘s, Joanne Flatley‘s, Paul McMurtry‘s and Doug Obey‘s. Also, a hat tip goes out to Dedham Blog for doing the legwork on this one.