There is hope for us all. After feuding for months about the Mayor’s travel expenses it appears that the Cambridge Chronicle and Cambridge Mayor Ken Reeves have decided they might be able to accomplish more together than apart. Reeves has launched a blog, the convincingly titled “Mayor Ken Reeves’ Blog,” on the Chronicle’s TownOnline site. The first story features a report, apparently from the Victorian era, about an afternoon tea held by the Mayor at the Inn at Harvard to celebrate 30 women who have worked for the city for 30 years or more. Amazing. We’ll look forward to coverage of the Mayor’s night at Fenway with all the male old timers. Still, hats off to both parties for trying to get along. Now, about the receipts for that tea party …
Cambridge Mayor Launches Blog with Chronicle
Please share widely!
and all I saw was Cambridge Mayor Launches Blog with Chronic
insert joke here.
Thanks for continuing to spread the word about the Chronicle’s travails with Mayor Reeves.
One thing I have noticed and have been dying to address during the past few months is language such as “feuding” attached by our readers and blogs such as this one when describing our coverage.
To say that we were “feuding” with the mayor is incorrect. None of this is personal. To imply that this is personal is to say that I have an agenda as a reporter. Indeed, we did have an agenda, but not a personal one. We were seeking the truth on behalf of our readers.
I do not go home at night and think about how to best pick a fight with the mayor. I do go home at night thinking, what would the people of Cambridge want me to ask of the people I interview. We speak on behalf of our readers, not for ourselves.
I had realized I did not identify myself after I had posted my reply.
Dawn Witlin
Cambridge Chrionicle reporter
Can you say that you “speak for our readers?”