Some assholes are swearing and calling people fucking names.
And it is getting out of hand because these stepford republicans, (not Peter) have crashed the party. These end of the curve repubs are much scarrier then the Dems on the other extreme far end.
But anyway perhaps we could use an ombudsman
And, as we all know, when it comes to good taste, I take a backseat to no one.
Plus Peter can do all the work.
Together We Can
clean up this town.
Please share widely!
I hate you. And love you. And hate to love you. And love to hate you. Including your polls, which left me no choice to vote for the DP joke.
All strictly platonic, of course.
P.S. Watch your flim-flime-filthy mouth.
before it fades away.
since it’s a love/hate, I’ll recommend, then unrecommeed the next time I think of it, then recommend, etc.
Can we encourage enough comments to get this on the front page?
There. My fair share.
…because any other possibility would meant that Ernie and I might actually have to meet someday.
Hey, except for the Deval joke! You’re right, stomv…
Think about it.
I’ve already been querried by the management as to whether I was Ernie Boch III in disguise.
I am not.
But I love the Ombudsman idea, for everything. Newspapers, blogs, and every organization in the world should have an Ombudsman. And I would like to make a living as an Ombudsman. The bickering, the ability to pass judgement. What’s not to love?
My suspicion is that the management will not go for it because they do not want to give up control of the BMGockracy.
But I’m voting for it.
The ombudsman will be the person with the lowest personal insult to post (of PI:P) ratio on the site.
PI:P methodological notes
Public figures, such as candidates and officeholders do not count as people.
Republicans especially do not count as people.
Personal insults within comments count once, inside posts count triple, as the subject of posts, five times.
That appears to be a 2 personal insults.
No, that’s just one insult. Candidates and officeholders are not counted as people for the purpose of picking an ombudsman because they shouldn’t be policing a blog. They can’t remain neutral when we discuss their ideas, their work, or their elections. I see no reason to not count republicans though.
it is really 2 compliments: Geo Bush is a good example of being both republican and politician. and as he holds himself above or outside of the law, so he undoubtedly wouldn’t class himself a mere person like those he reigns over. I’d like to see you tell Geo he is insulting himself by standing above the law of men. Ooh! I can hear the call sounding! “Gitmo, ready up a cell!!!” đŸ˜‰
disclaimer: no real republicans or politicians were hurt in the writing of this satire.
Since I would probably the first blogger thrown off BMG, I voted no out of strictly personal self-interest.
Anyway, isn’t an mbudsman just a ten-dollar word for “censor”? Do we want BMG to become another outlet for vanilla consensus journalism and opinion in the mainstream media? Do we really desire that BMG become an online version of op-ed page of The Boston Globe?
“If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”
is someone who helps you navigate a bureaucracy you have a complaint with and may act as your advocate in same. It is a non-paid position in many towns in the Commonwealth. Also a position where one does pretty much nothing as my friend from college who got appointed ombudsman in Billerica will tell you. It looked good on the resume and he got maybe one phone call.
Isn’t that what we have comments (and our own blogs) for?
If David, Charley, Bob or any writer on this forum say something I disagree with, I’ll openly disagree with them. So do literally hundreds of others. That’s why there are comments in the first place. If a writer writes something that goes beyond disagreement – and into the realm of being fundamentally flawed thinking, which is what ombudsmans are truly for imho – few here are afraid of saying so, be it in the comments or on my their blogs. For example, I disagreed profusely with the “process” debates and took them to task for it both on this site and on my own.