Steve Bailey’s piece today about Tom Flatley makes me think of people like Ned Johnson, John Kaneb, the late Bill Connell (the savior of the Patriots in MA) and Lenny Florence (the shoe shine boy from Chelsea who kicked Tom Lee’s butt in more than one business deal), and many more you and I never heard of.
People with serious money who quietly give it away to those who can use it. People who the powerful quickly learn are the backbone of this city and state when it comes to needing a hand.
Then we have Bob Kraft. Boy that guy bugs me.
He wants a parade every time he gives a bum a nickel.
He really must have gotten the shit kicked out of him a lot as a kid because he has this unhealthy need to keep telling people how great and generous and sucessful he, his wife, and his sons are.
And they are.
And yeah, yeah, I know he is a nice guy and they treat the help good. That means a lot.
But who needs them?
…but I picked the State Police details.
My favorite ‘naming’ of a building is the Adnan Kashoggi Recreation Center at American University. When he was convicted of arms dealing, the college wanted to take his name off, but the courts said – nope. You took his dime and siad you’d name it after him, and now you’re stuck with it.
Moral – be VERY careful who you get into bed with.
Favorite Kraft story – once, at night, I was leaving the building and there was a guy vainly swiping his card trying to get in with two friends. It was Tom Finneran, accompanied by Bob Kraft and John Kerry. As I opened the door out, I asked the MDC guy who had come over to open the door if it was OK to let them in the building. The Speakah did a big Haw-Haw-Haw, Kerry looked offended, and Kraft giggled. Told me what each of them was like. And I have NO IDEA why they wre trying to get in after 7 pm.
Plus he’s our guy. I wouldn’t want to do business with him Finneran put him in his place.
And kerry’s an asshole.
There are dorms falling down in South Bend because alums won’t give money to renovate them. They will happily pay for a new building so there name gets up over the door, but they won’t dump their money into someone elses building.
1: Amos Hostetter.
Gives more than next 10 biggest MA honchos combined. Silently.